Self Discipline 

Call To Prayer 

Title: Self Discipline 

By: Njuacha Hubert 

Date: 29.03.2024 


Better a patient person than a warrior, one with self-control than one who takes a city. Proverbs 16:32 NIV 


Self-discipline is one of the requirements for attaining greatness both in the world and in the kingdom. Take for instance those who top their classes in academic’s or excel in a profession. I bet it is hardly ever by mere natural intelligence but additionally long hours of consistent studies. Take for example Joseph who resisted and ran from the temptation to sleep with Potiphar’s wife. This act of self-discipline prevented him from possibly settling as a successful servant and instead propel him toward becoming a Governor.  

Self-discipline is one of the ingredients for excellence which leads to greatness. It is the act of denying self for a reward (Matthew 16:24, Romans 8:17). It is choosing principles that have been tested and trusted over feelings that are most at times temporal and fleeting. The next question is how we can grow in self-discipline. A few things that come to mind to grow in self-discipline are:  

Firstly, knowing the reward, picturing it and making up your mind to attain it. Look at Jesus who was suffering on the day of His crucifixion and yet reminding himself that He will save us through His suffering and death (we can infer this from John 15:13, Hebrews 12:2 and others). It is easy to picture a reward when we are trying to attain an earthly thing but when it comes to practicing righteousness the devil often clouds our minds to think that it does not have any profit in this life. For instance, sexual purity, does it not lead to a stable marriage and its opposite lead to unstable marriages? Or generosity, haven’t you heard that “it pays to be kind” or that “givers never lack”. (Luke 6:38, Proverbs 28:27). What about just knowing you are pleasing God.  

Second is habit. They say practice makes perfect. When a self-discipline becomes a habit, it is even difficult to stop which is a good because you are practicing something which will yield fruits sooner or later. Personal advice from me is consistency is greater than hard work. That also means do not give up when you are struggling to break old habits but be patient even with yourself.  

Last but the greatest is that as Christians we must acknowledge and rely on the grace of our lord Jesus Christ (Philippians 4:13, John 15:5). Grace is accessed through knowing the word, professing it and praying in all its forms whether thanksgiving, tongue speaking or worship and giving.  

Prayer Point:  

Let’s thank God for the word. Let’s pray to understand more the rewards of self-discipline both in the world and the kingdom.  


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