Set free from Sin

Date: 11.03.2021

Title: Set free from Sin

If ye love me, keep my commandments.
(Joh 14:15 KJV)

Todayโ€™s message will be a little bit different, as He has instructed I do it this way. Ever since I started writing this call to prayer, I usually ask God to reveal to me what He wants me to share. Yesterdayโ€™s morning, He responded by granting me an encounter in a dream.

In this dream, I saw someone walk into my room and sat on my bed. I am not sure if he was a male or if she is female, but this person was trying to hold me. In that state, I kept on saying โ€˜I have been set free from sin, I am have been set free from sinโ€™ in a repeated manner, then he/she did let go. After this, the scene changed. In this new scene, I saw myself interview someone (a boy), and what I heard him say was that God had set him free from sin, but because he loved sin, now he is free to sin. As soon as he said this, he changed to someone I know in the natural who has an addiction that is sexual in nature, then I understood what was being told me.

After this experience, I asked God in Prayer the meaning of the dream, and He gave me more understanding. The person that walked into my room was sin (who is a person, the devil), and by my continuous confessing of the finished work of Christ, I was able to defeat him (for by redemption we have been set free from the power of sin). In the other scene, the person that I know in the natural that the boy I was interviewing changed to is one who has not been able to stop a sexual habit despite several warnings from God. Her love for this sin seems to be greater than her love for God.

From Hebrew 3:16-19, we can understand that sin leads to a hardened heart of unbelief. And In Romans 1:24&26, we see that God gave up some people to the lust of their flesh because they refused to believe. If you love sin more than God, God will give you up to sin, and we know that the consequence of sin is death (Romans 6:23). . Now the statement the boy I was interviewing made, โ€˜I have been set free to sinโ€˜ is possible if you love sin more than God. This is true even for a Christian.

I believe by this encounter God was giving me keys on how to overcome sin: confessing the word of our redemption (Romans 6: 11) and the love for God that surpasses the love for sin (John 14:15).

Prayer Point:

Let us ask God today to reveal His finished work in Christ to the entire body of Christ, and He should give us the boldness to proclaim it. Again, He should fill us all with love for Him that surpasses love for sin or any other thing.

God bless you all.


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2 responses to “Set free from Sin”

  1. Slie avatar

    Thanks so much my brother for these, thank you for letting Daddy use you!

    1. You are welcome. Thanks for taking time to read. God bless you.

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