Signs That Follow Believers – Part 2


By: Stephen Osei Kuffour

Date: 27.03.2022

Title: Signs That Follow Believers – Part 2


They will take up serpents; and if they drink anything deadly, it will by no means hurt them; they will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover.

(Mark 16:18 NKJV)


Last week, I began a topic titled, “Signs That Follow Believers” which was based on the final words of our Lord Jesus Christ on earth. We learnt that the final words of people are very important and must be taken seriously. After our Lord Jesus gave us the “Great Commission”, He also promised all Believers that signs will follow us. The word of God made us understand that the main qualification for signs to follow us is to believe and accept Jesus Christ as our Lord and personal savior and live our lives in obedience to Him. When we do so, the signs will automatically follow us.

We have seen so far two of the signs that our Lord Jesus promised and how they were fulfilled among the early disciples and also in our days: the power to cast out demons and to speak in new tongues. Today, I would like to share other signs promised to us by our Lord Jesus.

One of the signs is that we will take up serpents and will not be harmed. One time, Apostle Paul was bitten on the hand by a poisonous Viper on the Island of Malta. This was when he was falsely accused and was being transferred as a Prisoner to Rome for Trial. All the people around were expecting his hand to swell or that he will fall dead, but nothing happened to him, and they decided that he was a god (Acts 28). Beloved, Christians are not just ordinary people on this earth, but we are children of the most-high God. In fact, we are gods on this earth! (Psalm 82:6)

Also, the Lord promised that when we drink any poisonous or deadly thing, it will not hurt us. This does not mean, however, that we should test God by putting ourselves in dangerous situations. However, should we accidentally or are forced by our enemies to drink any poison, we surely believe that it will by no means hurt us.

Last but not the least, healing the sick is also part of the signs that follow Believers. Where should I start from? This is because there are numerous examples in the Bible on how the early Apostles healed the sick. Apostle Peter healed a crippled Beggar in the name of Jesus Christ (Acts 3), Apostle Paul also healed a Cripple and even raised the dead (Acts 14, Acts 20), etc. I have personally witnessed many people being healed at Church and in Crusades. The power to heal the sick is available to us and it’s still actively operating in our days.

Beloved in the Lord, after our Lord Jesus commanded us to make disciples of all nations, He also promised us that, signs will follow us. Some of these signs include but are not limited to the power over serpents and poison, and the power to heal the sick. These signs are still available to us today. All we need to do is to believe in Him, seek Him, obey Him, and follow Him and the signs will automatically follow us.

Prayer Point:

Let’s thank God for His Word today. Let’s ask God to help all Believers around the world to be conscious of all the signs that have been promised to follow us. Let’s also pray for miracles, signs, and wonders to accompany all believers who obey and do His work.


God bless you all.


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