Sincere Milk of the Word

Call to Prayer

Title: Sincere Milk of the Word

By: Simon Maina Nuhu

Date: 29.03.2024


โ€œAs newborn babes, desire the sincere milk of the word, that ye may grow thereby:โ€ย (1 Peter 2:2)


Milk is a nutrient-rich food that contains all the essential substances such as fat, proteins, sugars, vitamins, water and some vital minerals that greatly support sound health. It is a primary source of nutrition to babies before they develop teeth and start digesting solid food. The babies only can recognise, and therefore crave for it in order to grow in sound health, any other thing as food is not accessible to them because they are not ready. Now therefore, when a man turns and forsake his old ways of sin, he experiences an influential transition which is like a journey of conception, where his old sinful life is erased and given a new life orchestrated by the grace of our Lord Jesus. Immediately, in the spiritual realm, he becomes a baby and his relationship with God begins to grow: in this new phase of life, he begins to desire to know more of God, more also, develops enthusiasm and thus unwavering passion for the things of God.

The sincere milk to him is the word of God. He makes God his ultimate priority as he seeks to discover more of the spiritual life and maintain a closer companionship with Jesus. Just like in the physical world, thereโ€™d come a time that the baby craves for solid food because he/she is now fully ready to chew, digest and process complex food. As he is a spiritual baby, it is expected that his knowledge, understanding, discernment, and ability to grasp some complex divine things may differ greatly with someone who has been steadfast with God forย  a long time, nonetheless, he will so desire to grow by being loyal, consistent, obedient, serious and also by humbly learning from the pastors, spiritual leaders, priests, Apostles who are more matured in God.

Notwithstanding, beloved brethren, even as we differ in spiritual maturity, we should not feel satisfied or complacent with the knowledge of God that we have, as He is an unending mystery to discover. Milk is not only for infants but also essential for mature adults. So, We should always desire that sincere spiritual food that suits our present spiritual level. We should as well endeavour to regularly fellowship in the word through study and meditation.

Prayer point:

Letโ€™s thank God for the message today. Letโ€™s also ask Him to feed us with the milk that enhances our spiritual growth in Jesus name, Amen


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