Sow your seed

By: Owusu Clifford S.

Genesis 26:12 – Then Isaac sowed in that land, and reaped in the same year a hundredfold; and the LORD blessed him.

For every believer, one of the most satisfying things that can happen in your life is to receive a promise from God or to hear from God concerning something marvellous that He has planned in your future. Undoubtedly, God always has better plans for our lives whether we hear from Him explicitly or not (Jeremiah 29:11). However, most prophecies delay or do not manifest at all because we do not do our part to make them happen.

As a child of God, wherever God places you, he has something special for you to accomplish. Usually, the blessings we expect would not manifest outside our geographical location or the things that we are currently doing, be it a job, ministry, career, education, etc. If God places you there, it means there is something special there for you.

One of the main reasons why we Christians of today do not readily believe in the promises of God is that we have refused to accept how the principles of the world operate. Sometimes we make the promises of God seem untrue either by our actions or inactions. We have to understand that manna does not rain again and mostly, Godโ€™s blessings will manifest in what you do.

In Genesis 26:3, God promised Isaac that He would bless him. We know that if God has said it, then he will definitely do it. But in our verse for today, we read that the blessings started to manifest when Isaac sowed in the land. Isaac sowed in the land and reaped a hundredfold the same year, which was uncommon in that region at that time. If Isaac had slept without doing anything, that promise may not have become a reality. Isaac did his part by putting in some work. Often, we receive so many promises from God, but we do so little on our part to make them manifest.

If you receive a promise of a job, make applications, sometimes it can even be working voluntarily without any pay. If you receive a promise of a successful business, do not ignore the ideas that come to mind, no matter how irrelevant or stupid they may seem to you. Successful ministries do not happen out of the blue, it requires intense fasting and prayers. Jesus sowed 40 days and 40 nights of intense prayer and fasting into His ministry before he began. So, if you have a promise that God is going to use you to win souls for the kingdom of God, put in the work and wait on Him for direction. The list can go on and on. Read, learn, and improve yourself as an individual. For every promise that comes, there is a seed attached to it, so we ought to sow the seed before we can reap.

As a Christian, if you are lazy or you have a poor attitude towards work, it will be difficult to see the blessings of God in your work even if you have a prophecy of promotion. God is not a God of double standards. The seed of the promised blessing from God has already been given to you, so sow it. No matter how small or trivial it is, start it, and God will make it bigger. Remember, a mustard seed is the least among all seeds, but when it is sown, it becomes one of the biggest trees (Matthew 13:32). Isaac reaped a hundredfold in the same year. You can also reap as much and even more. Just sow the seed.

Prayer Point:

Let us thank God for His word and the answers to our prayers. Let us also pray for understanding into the ways of God so that we can properly align ourselves to make the promises of God manifest in our lives.

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