Sowing with joy

Call To Prayerย 

Title: Sowing with joy

By: Wale Lasisi

Date: 23.02.2023


And herein is that saying true, One soweth, and another reapeth. [38] I sent you to reap that whereon ye bestowed no labour: other men laboured, and ye are entered into their labours.(John 4:37-38 KJV)


In the kingdom, there is such a people who are regarded as the sowers or planters. These are faithful men and women who labour day and night to see the will of God fulfilled upon the face of the earth. They may not necessarily be the one to harvest that which they have planted but every of their labour goes on record and never goes in vain.

In every move of God that had culminated into a revival before now, the seed of endless prayers had gone ahead way before the eventual move of God. Not all the intercessors would have had the privilege to partake or witness the revival but God acknowledged the seed they planted and ushered in a revival.

Missionaries are planters and they sow seeds in every mission field they go. Some stay in places for months and years with little or no harvest but they keep sowing without discouragement and in the face of persecution. However, it might please the Holy Spirit to just use a crusade by someone else entirely to bring in the harvest of the people. In that case, both the sower and the reaper are worthy of reward for the souls won into the kingdom (John 4:36). Sometimes, they themselves enter into the harvest of other sowers that have gone ahead of them planting and watering the seed of the word of God in the hearts of men for He, Holy Spirit, to convict.ย Every kingdom endeavour is never lost because God is a wise masterbuilder who never wastes investments.

When you are in a territory or place and you are evangelising but it doesn’t look like it is yielding the fruit you desire, just keep sowing and if it is praying for souls, keep praying and at the time appointed, the Holy Ghost, who is the Lord of the harvest will gather it in.


Prayer point:

Let’s thank God for the word today. Let us ask for the grace to continually sow seeds with joy even when we don’t see the harvest.


God bless you.ย 


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