Speak Life to the Dry Bones


Again he said unto me, Prophesy upon these bones, and say unto them, O ye dry bones, hear the word of the Lord

– Ezekiel 37:4 KJV

This Chapter is a very famous portion of scripture where the Lord took the prophet Ezekiel to the valley of dry bones and asked him to speak life to the dry bones. During that time, the people of Israel were in captivity at Babylon as a result of their sin, disobedience and idol worship. They had lost the lands, homes, temple, families and almost everything. They were very depressed, and the situation seemed impossible to be turned around. As Christians, we face similar situations all the time in our ministries, health, marriages, jobs, education etc. How then do we deal with such situations which look impossible in the sight of man?

When the Lord asked the Prophet if those dry bones can live, he replied that only God knows. We must have Faith in God that with Him, all things are possible. Therefore, it doesnโ€™t matter how worse the situation is, in the sight man, we have to strongly believe in God that He will surely turn it around for our good. Letโ€™s only believe what the word of God says concerning that particular situation and not what people are saying. Beloved in Lord, if we go before the Lord with Prayer, Supplications and Thanksgiving, and also make declarations by Faith concerning that situation, He will revive that dead situation.

One important thing to note here is that the Lord didnโ€™t speak to the dry bones Himself but rather asked the Prophet to do so. Mostly, when we are faced with difficult situations, we go before the Lord and say, โ€œLord I am counting on you.โ€ I believe God will also reply by saying, โ€œSon or Daughter, I am also counting on you.โ€ We have been given the Power and Authority over every situation in Christ. Letโ€™s therefore stand on these and speak to these dead situations.

In Kenneth Haginโ€™s book โ€œI Believe in Visions,โ€ there was a time Jesus appeared to him and as they were chatting, a demon in a form of a Monkey came to stand between them. This demon was making a lot of noise and Kenneth Hagin couldnโ€™t hear Jesus clearly. He later rebuked the demon it left them. He later asked Jesus why He didnโ€™t rebuke the demon and the Lord replied that He couldnโ€™t have done that because He has given the Church all His Power and Authority on this earth. Speak to that dry bone in your life, O man of God!

One main obstacle that prevents Christians from using our Power and Authority is Fear. It is written that we have not been given the spirit of Fear but of love, power, and a sound mind (2 Timothy 1:7). This means that Fear is a spirit and if itโ€™s not a spirit of God then itโ€™s a demonic spirit. If you are being controlled by fear, you are controlled by a demon! Letโ€™s have a strong Faith in God and take Authority over Fear.

Brethren, we are mostly faced with difficult situations in Life and Ministry. However, if we stand on the Power and Authority we have in Christ and boldly make declarations concerning the situations, God will definitely turn things around for our good.


Prayer Point:

Letโ€™s thank God for the answers to the prayers we have already received. Letโ€™s pray that the eyes of our understanding will be enlightened to know our inheritance, specifically the power and Authority we have in Christ. Letโ€™s use our Power and Authority to cast out demonic spirit of Fear from the lives of all believers.


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