Spiritual Inflation

Call To Prayer

Title: Spiritual Inflation

By: Wale Lasisi

Date: 22.02.2024


Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth, as it is in heaven. (Matthew 6:10)


During the Covid-19 pandemic many nations started looking for ways to deal with its effect on the populace and a lot of them adopted the measure of giving out cash to their citizens for sustenance or food items delivered to their doorsteps since majority of the people could not go to work for several months. The resultant effect of this good gesture was that it created an inflation in the economies of the world because theย  money should have been exchanged for value through goods or services and thereby keep the monetary cycle healthy. Rather, this excess money in circulation without any valuable return created the high cost of living so the monies earlier given can be mopped up and retrieved back to the treasury from where it was taken to reduce the inflation and balance the economy.

Whenever there is an outpouring from heaven or the move of revival breaks out upon a people, the investment of the Spirit upon such people is usually great. An example can be seen in the upper room on the day of Pentecost when the Holy ghost descended upon the one hundred and twenty that were present and they were filled with the Holy ghost and spoke with other tongue (Acts 2:1-4). The measure that came upon them created the same manifestation but to sustain it, there must be value or profit gotten from it by the government from which it was given so that it does not create an inflation of spiritual capital (Matthew 25:14-27).

When God begins to give you visions or dreams of the night and it is not acted upon or traded with, the flow is likely to start drying up gradually till it finally ceases because value is not being derived through this heavenly intelligence. This brings to mind the Law of Use and Disuse by Jean-Baptiste de Lamarckย which states that โ€œthe parts of an organismโ€™s body that are used become more developed; parts that are not used become smaller and may disappearโ€.

As it is in the body or physically, so it is in the Spirit and Apostle Paul expressly charged his son Timothy to not neglect the gift of prophecy given to him so that his profiting for Godโ€™s kingdom through this gift may appear to all (1 Tim. 4:14-15). Have you lost any spiritual gift in the past or you are noticing a decline in the flow and you know it is not due to sin, then you need to do an emergency appraisal and start putting other spiritual gifts and capital to use for the Masterโ€™s profiting to avoid becoming a vessel of disuse.


Prayer point:

Let us thank God for the word today. Letโ€™s pray for grace to put Godโ€™s investments in our lives to maximum use for His profiting.


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