Stand for Christ

Call to Prayer

Title: Stand for Christ

By: Simon Maina Nuhu

Date: 13.05.2022


If it be so, our God whom we serve is able to deliver us from the burning fiery furnace, and he will deliver us out of thine hand, O king” (Daniel 3:17).


Standing for God means absolute loyalty to Him despite the situation. It translates one’s unflinching commitment to the Almighty God at any expense and such act makes one to deny themselves and all that they hold so dear to them in this life. There are quite a lot of people in the past who distinguished themselves for God by laying examples for us to follow. Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego were three godly friends and were part of those taken from their home country into captivity in Babylon. Though they were in a strange land, they did not drop or deny their faith. They continued being children of God because they knew that God is over all. When they were faced with a decision to choose between the God of heaven and the god of Babylon, they expressly chose the God of heaven because they were sure that He is the only true God and that even if He will not deliver them from the danger of the fiery fire, they were completely willing to go through that.

There are people who do not absolutely believe God and His unquantifiable love. They say only with their mouth that they believe in God, but do not show it. To avoid being called names by other people or laughed at, they hide their identity as friends of Jesus. They do not have the courage to show up and defend their faith.

However, God needs people like the three Hebrew young men who will believe in Him, take their stand in the society and live for Christ everywhere. They are also expected to show Christ to others through their lives and preaching without being ashamed of Him. Show that you are convinced about the God you believe, and stand out for Jesus. Defend the faith at all times and at all cost because faithful is He that called us. In any circumstance, there are bountiful chances to showcase our loyalty to God. It is my sincere prayer that we exhibit true dedication and stand up at all times and in all conditions for Christ Jesus.

Prayer Point:

Let’s thank God for the word today. Let’s also ask Him to give us the courage, strength and sufficient grace to always live for Him.


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