Standing in the gap

Call To Prayer

Title: Standing in the gap

By: Wale Lasisi

Date: 23.06.2022


And I sought for a man among them, that should make up the hedge, and stand in the gap before me for the land, that I should not destroy it: but I found none.( Ezekiel 22:30 KJV)


When the whole world was filled with iniquity and God was about to destroy it (Gen.6:7), he began to employ a wisdom that is past finding out. Although the verdict was to destroy everything, he chose to keep a righteous man named Noah. Noah found grace because he walked with the Lord and made the hedge for a perverse generation. When God is prepared to do a new thing, He looks for a pure breed to walk with.

This wisdom that God employed in seeking/selecting a man to propagate His agenda will later manifest in the life of Abraham who became the father of faith and also the father of many nations through his many encounters with God. However, this wisdom found its fullest expression in our Lord and saviour Jesus Christ who reconciled the fallen man back to God . All of them stood in the gap to give God the needed reason to intervene in the affairs of men.

God is still seeking for righteous men and women who will stand in the gap for their families, for souls, for the Church and for the nations. By standing in the gap by intercession, we make up the hedge and close whatever opening that the enemy might be exploiting to sow seeds of sorrow and corruption and also do damage.

God is seeking to manifest His power and glory in these places but until we stand in the gap with righteousness wrapped around us as a garment, we will limit the hand of God even though, He wants to do great things.


Prayer point:
Letโ€™s ask God for the grace to stand in the gap as intercessors so we can make up the hedge.

God bless you!


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