Standing strong

Call To Prayer

Title: Standing strong

By: Wale Lasisi

Date: 09.02.2023


Wherefore let him that thinketh he standeth take heed lest he fall. (1 Corinthians 10:12 KJV)


The enemyโ€™s most quiet strategy is how to sow the seed of corruption into the life of a believer without him or her knowing. According to the law of seed time and harvest, this seed is destined to germinate and in the fullness of time, be ripe enough for harvest (Gen. 8:22).

For instance, in some parts of the world, he is planting seeds of corruption in the hearts of little children through the school system. This manipulation is with the hope of raising an army of men and women who see God as their enemy and are vehemently opposed to the children of the kingdom.

The two major channels of reception to the soul are the eyes and the ears. Whatever comes through these gates is registered in the subconscious and the enemy can take advantage to market his product and wait to see which one excites you or gets you on the path of disobedience. As harmless as watching TV series is, the enemy has used it as a medium of sowing seeds and so many seeds have been sown into many lives. Some of them have ended up on adult websites to explore and shop for more products that the devil is advertising.

As the old serpent, he is very cunny and strategic. After the Lord had chosen Noah and his household to start a new breed of humans without corruption and blessed them like he did in the beginning with the first man(Gen. 9:1), the devil was somehow able to introduce a curse through the mouth of Noah to one of his sons in the guise of offense for not covering his fatherโ€™s nakedness when he was drunk. So, the seed of corruption was sowed again and the world has not recovered from it.

This unending war of sowing seeds is aimed at every child of God(Matt. 13:25) but we are encouraged in the word according to Matt. 15:13 that God is able to root out everything planted by the enemy. If we stay with the word and renew our minds on a daily basis, we will be instructed and shielded away from the corruption that the enemy is intending to sow.

Prayer point:
Letโ€™s thank God for today. Let us pray that God closes our eyes to things that defile and shut our ears to things that do not edify.


God bless you!


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