Standing To The End


By: Stephen Osei Kuffour

Date: 26.03.2023

Title: Standing To The End


My eyes shall be on the faithful of the land, that they may dwell with me; He who walks in a perfect way, He shall serve me.

ย (Psalm 101:6 NKJV)


We are living in an evil world. Many Nations have rejected the Lord and His word to follow their own evil ways. Many Believers who choose to hold on to the truth of Godโ€™s word are also being persecuted day in and day out. The Evil one has successfully influenced the Systems of this world to the extent that it is now very difficult to serve the Lord and to remain Faithful to Him. This may be a surprise to many people. However, as Believers, it doesnโ€™t surprise us at all because the word of God has already spoken about these Times.

We know that iniquities will abound in these end times. However, the word of God also assured us that those who remain faithful and stand to the end, shall be saved (Matt 24:12-13). One may ask, how can I be able to remain faithful in this evil world? It is a good question. It is obvious that we cannot achieve this by our own strength. However, when we walk with the Lord and spend time continually in His presence, he keeps our feet from falling and strengthens us to overcome all the plans of the evil one (Jude 1:24).

The truth is that we really need the presence of God in these evil times. The Lord through His Servant David revealed some keys in the above Scripture that can help us to continually maintain a good relationship with the Lord. The Lord Himself called David, โ€œa man after my own heartโ€ (1 Sam 13:14). David was known to be a faithful servant of God who had the presence of God and as a result, achieved many greater things (1 Chr 11:9).

The first key is to be Holy and walk in a perfect way. One of the main characters of the Lord is that He is Holy and because of that, He expects all His Children to also be like Him (1 Pet 1:15-16). Therefore, being Holy pleases the Lord and attracts His Manifest Presence to always be with us. Being Holy also sets us apart for the Lord to easily use us for a special Service and Service also draws the power of God (2 Tim 2:21).

Beloved in the Lord, we are living in a sinful and evil world. These times call for the Manifest Presence of God to be with all Believers in order to keep us from falling so we remain faithful to the end. David was able to achieve many great things because of the presence of God. So David went on and became great, and the Lord of hosts was with him (1 Chr 11:9). One of the keys to experience the Manifest Presence is Holiness. Decide to be Holy from today onwards!

Prayer Point:

Letโ€™s thank God for His Word today. Letโ€™s ask the Lord to help all Believers to be Holy in order to experience His Manifest Presence in our lives. Letโ€™s ask the Lord to help us to remain Faithful to the end.

God bless you all


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