Stewards of His Revival

Call To Prayer

Title: Stewards of His Revival

By: Wale Lasisi

Date: 18.08.2022


After these things the Lord appointed other seventy also, and sent them two and two before his face into every city and place, whither he himself would come. (Luke 10:1 KJV)


One of the foremost revivalist recorded in scripture was Noah. This man was sent to the world to warn them of the pending doom to come as a result of the wickedness being perpetrated on the face of the earth. God was going to visit the earth with destruction. He therefore sent Noah as an emissary to proclaim the words of the King to a people. Noah kept warning and at the same time building the ark for the safety of anyone who cares to hearken to the red alert being sounded.

In the same vein, God is sending us as believers into different places where He himself will still come. Whether itโ€™s in the academic space, marketplace or the corporate environment, depending on the burden on the heart of the Master for where we are, we only need to be aligned and watch to see the rhythm of His heartbeat and know what His desire is. It might be soul winning, deliverance of the people from powers of darkness, liberation from ignorance to the truth of Godโ€™s word and many more.

We must always strive to live with the consciousness of His coming because He will come. The big question is will you as a steward discharge your duty at your assigned post where you have been sent, to His acceptable standard? So much so that when He comes, He will not find any fault in your service and His reward will be reserved for you instead of rebuke for poor or non-performance. No matter how little the assignment may seem, do it with utmost seriousness and passion knowing that at the fullness of time, the Lord will come to visit the people and bring about a revival.


Prayer point:
Let us thank God for the word and answers to our prayers. Letโ€™s pray that God will furnish us with grace to serve His will acceptably at all times.


God bless you!

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