Strength for the race

Call To Prayer

Title: Strength for the race

By: Wale Lasisi

Date: 18.04.2024


He giveth power to the faint; and to them that have no might he increaseth strength.[31] But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint. (Isaiah 40:29,31 KJV)


As a young boy in my primary school days, I was part of an athletics team and I will always look forward to the season of competition with other athletic teams within the school and also to compete with teams from other schools. The excitement and surge of adrenaline when the whistle blows was something I truly relish and I will put my all into it and probably empty the tank of energy I had stored so I can win the race. However, as soon as we cross the finish line, our body feels like there is no more strength left and the medics will have to give us a solution of glucose and water to replenish energy we had expended while running so we can be refreshed.

In the race of life, we get tired and exhausted and sometimes we have questions begging for answers. A lot are tired while running the race in their marriage, some in their career or business endeavours, some in the ministry God had called them into, some in their academics and so many are just tired of living that they are seriously considering ending their life once and for all. I have come to tell you that there is a river of strength that never runs dry which is available for all to drink from for refreshing.

When you feel tired and no one seems to care or understand you, there is a heavenly father who truly cares and sees your toil and pain and silent cries. He sees beyond the veil of the fake smiles into the heart that is broken and He is willing to mend and carry you with His strength so you can keep going in the direction of your destiny.

When he strengthens, you feel a new lease of life, your little effort begins to yield abundance, that home previously filled with crises begins to know joy again, that ordination and giftings begin to find loud expressions again. There is no need to suffer in silence because your strength has gone down. Look for those areas in your life you know you are tired and just cry with a sincere heart to the one who supplies strength to the weak and you will be renewed again to continue the race.


Prayer point:

Let us thank God for the word today. Let us ask God to renew our strength in every area we are tired and weary.


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