
Call to Prayer

Title: Submission

By: Daniel Peter

Date: 23.05.2023


Therefore submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you.ย  James 4:7 NKJV


We are a kingdom of kings and priests as the word said of us. However, we are to submit under God, who is King over us, for He is the King of Kings. Therefore, knowing the meaning of submission is knowing what it means to reign and walk with God.

According to the English Dictionary, submission is the action of accepting or yielding to a superior force or to the will or authority of another person. In our walk with God, there may be times when His revealed will may be different from that which we desire. But in submission, we subject ourselves to His will by choosing to do what He says. This attitude was demonstrated by Jesus Christ, when it was time for Him to go to the cross for humanity. For the first time, there was a separation between the will of God the Father and the will of God the Son. But Jesus submitted to God’s will when He said in prayer “not my will but yours be done (Luke 22:42)”.

Any time we choose to obey what the word says despite our personal opinion, we are submitting to God. Again, apart from the written word, we are to submit to the voice of God. One of the benefits of submitting ourselves to God is peace, which is the product of being led by Him. Many are restless because they are not submitted to God, for it exposes you to the devil’s attack. In fact, victory over the enemy comes when we are submitted to God.

Submitting to God is not natural to humans, for we all need the grace to do His will. That grace comes by prayer; for Jesus Christ prayed for God’s will to be done and not His, and He received the grace to do His will.

Prayer Point

Let’s thank God for His word today. Let’s ask for His will to be done in every area of our lives.


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