Superior wisdom

Call to Prayer

Title: Superior wisdom

By: Simon Maina Nuhu



The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge: but fools despise wisdom and instruction. Proverbs 1:7


Wisdom is the principal of all understanding; it profits withal by making what seems to be difficult easy. Wisdom according to common definition, is the quality of having spontaneous experience, knowledge, and excellent judgment. It coordinates intelligence through super intellectual awareness to be able to accomplish wise decisions, and execute plans via discernment and prudence. It is paramount that we understand that, it is limited to territory or domain; it varies with location. There are two categories of wisdom whose operation is in two different locations.

Earthly wisdom is also known as the wisdom of men. This type of wisdom is acquired through experience, learning, impact, skills, and nature. Some people are naturally gifted with it while others acquire it as they adventure in life. It can be accessed artificially through intellectual spheres such as philosophy, and science, or through social influences like culture, tradition,ย  inter-human relationships, and business. Earthly wisdom guides men to achieve great and mind-blowing success. Nevertheless, whether naturally or artificially acquired, it solely operates with the logic of the human brain, thus limiting its efficiency to earthly usage. God Himself blessed man with it so that man can use it to invent necessary things that will help him take care of nature including the animals, sadly, this wisdom is vulnerable to manipulations that lead to corruption and it can only understand earthly things.

Divine wisdom is what I called superior wisdom. This is the wisdom that can discern and expressly relate with the divine/celestial. It is neither controlled by human brains nor earthly rational mindsets but by the Spirit of God. It makes man understand the mind, will, and heart of God. It makes man take God’s instructions by finding God (Proverbs 8:33-36), it makes man fear God above all creations (Proverbs 9:10), it makes man wise unto salvation (2 Timothy 3;15), it makes man win the heart of sinners to God (Daniel 12:3), it makes man forsake unrighteousness, it makes man not to rely and trust on his abilities (Psalms 20:7), it makes man cautious of the danger of living out of God’s mercy and grace.

It is the desire of God that we obtain both wisdom, nonetheless, when it comes to matters of priority, we should not hesitate to seek divine wisdom in order to stay safe. Although earthly wisdom helps us do exploits, it should not interfere with or decide our understanding of God. Divine wisdom has no disadvantage whatsoever, it surpasses earthly wisdom because it makes us ten times better even in the things of the world. Lazarus if judged by the scale of earthly wisdom was not wise because he was poor, but he was wise before God and that earned him eternal life (Luke 16:19-31).

Prayer point;

Let’s thank God for the word and also ask Him to make us wise in the things of the earth and the divine.



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