Take a Stand

Call To Prayerย 

Title: Take a Standย 

By: Njuacha Hubertย 

Date: 16.09.2023ย 


2ย Do not conformย to the pattern of this world,ย but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.ย Then you will be able to test and approve what Godโ€™s will isโ€”his good, pleasingย and perfect will. Romans 12:2ย 


The world is full of conflicting ideas or perspectives about things. The Muslim believes Jesus is another prophet but not the son of God while we Christians believe Jesus is the son of God. Meanwhile the atheist does not believe in God at all. Perhaps the Muslim is right, or the atheist is right, but one thing is certain; all of us clearly cannot be right as our views are mutually exclusive. If you are thinking to yourself that there is a neutral position and you can take refuge there, then you are wrong because your believe will inspire your actions and so demonstrate what you truly believe even without you admitting it. As it stands, you must make a choice. Where do you stand? ย 

It is said โ€œhe who stands for nothing, falls for everythingโ€. Where do you stand? If you say, you are a Christian; what makes you a Christian? The word Christian originatesย from a Greek word which means โ€œfollower of Christโ€. Christ is the word of God (John 1:14) and the bible contains the word of God (2 Timothy 3:16). Therefore, if you are a Christian, a follower of Christ, then you are submitted to the written instructions of God contained in the bible. You canโ€™t want to follow Christ and not follow the word of God.ย 

I have my own ideas, there are popular opinionsย and then there is what the bible says. If I am a Christian what I ultimately must stand on is not my own ideas, not just popular opinion but the word of God; the bible. The bible is the Christianโ€™s constitution. ย 

However, the bible has also been used by the enemy to deceive many. One key that helps in interpreting the bible correctly is first to make sure you have accepted Jesus as Lord and Savoir and secondly studying scripture for yourself and not only relying on interpretations, thirdly check cross references in the old and new testaments and finally ask the Holy spirit.ย 

A Christian studies the bible. Sometimes you might not agree with it but latter on from experiences you will testify that the word of God is true. If you are asked, what do you think, you can say โ€œwell the bible from where I take my stand says โ€ฆโ€. In science people donโ€™t just follow their opinions but they stick to tested and proven standards and laws so why must it be different with your faith. ย 


Prayer point:ย 

Letโ€™s thank God for our Christian faith. Letโ€™s pray for the grace to stand by word of God.ย 


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