Take it by faith

Call To Prayer

Title: Take it by faith

By: Njuacha Hubert

Date: 10.02.2023


21 Jesus asked his father, โ€œHow long has this been going on?โ€ย He said, โ€œSince he was a child. 22 It has often thrown him into a fire or into water trying to kill him. If you can do anything, help us! Show us compassion!โ€23 Jesus said to him, โ€œโ€˜If you can do anythingโ€™? All things are possible for the one who has faith.โ€ Mark 9:21-23


I believe most of us have had the opportunity to eat at Buffets. In a buffet, you are allowed to serve yourself. Most often there is more than enough for the estimated number of guests so that’s why you are allowed to serve yourself. Although this might not be the perfect example it is similar to what Christ has done for us. The power in name of Jesus is limitless (Philippians 2:9-11). How much you can take is what you get. It depends on you and me! Throughout the New Testament, it appears one of Jesus’s favourite statements was likeYour faith has made you well” (Mathew 9:22, Mark 1052) or โ€œGo! Let it be done just as you believed it would.โ€ย (Mathew 8:13). When the disciples asked him why they could not drive out a demon from a boy,ย He replied, โ€œBecause you have so little faith. Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, โ€˜Move from here to there,โ€™ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.โ€ (Mathew 17:20).ย 

Many times we approach God in prayers like the man in the opening verse. We say “if you can do anything, help us”. We doubt already that it can be done even though we are praying about it. We look at the challenge or the prayer request and we ask ourselves is it humanly possible? Yes, alright, let me ask God because it is doable. But if No, we say this is too much to ask God. But the question is: Is God a man? “Is there anything too hard for the lord”?(Genesis 18:14)

Brothers and sisters, the amount of God’s power you experience; the amount of God’s miracles you see, is directly proportional to how much you believe He can do. The woman with the issue of blood believed that if only she touches, yet other people believed He had to come to their house and pray over them before they get well. Yet again some people believed Jesus just had to give the order and their loved one will be well. (Mathew 8:5-13). Same Jesus, but people experience Him to different degrees. When Jesus came to His own hometown, they fell into the fallen human nature of underlooking those we are familiar with. As such “He could not do any miracles there, except lay his hands on a few sick people and heal them.”ย (Mark 6:5). Again you see the principle of “Your faith” at work.

This Jesus thing is not a culture, an idea we use to soothe our minds or overcome the fear of death. He is real. He is alive. He is a person. He is God. He still works through His Holy Spirit dwelling in us. Dare to believe and ask (for the right motives James 4:2-3). Remember faith is not that you see and then you believe; that is mercy. Faith is that you believe(and keep believing) then you see!

Prayer Point:

Let’s ask God in faith to increase our faith. Let’s cry out to God like the man in the opening verse โ€œI do believe; help me overcome my unbelief!โ€ Mark 9:24


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