Taking the Kingdom

Call To Prayer

Title: Taking the Kingdom

By: Daniel Peter

Date: 07.11.2023


And from the days of John the Baptist until now, the Kingdom of Heaven suffereth violence, and the violent take it by force. Matt. 11:12 KJV


The kingdom of God is not just given, it is taken. And there is a necessary form of violence we need to possess for us to take the kingdom. To understand the nature of this violence, we have to look at our Lord Himself. For by violence, He took it.

The natural world is a parallel to the spiritual. Many things that exist here are allegories of things in the spirit. However, because the earth is yet to be fully restored, some of what exists in the spirit is not exactly mirrored here. In the natural, kingdoms expand through warfares that are violent in nature. Let’s consider when Babylon attacked the kingdom of Israel in the days of Jeremiah and took it. The war between Babylon and Israel was a violent one, and Israel was besieged for a long time before it was taken. In the same manner, when Jesus said “… the Kingdom of Heaven suffereth violence, and the violent take it by force ( Matt. 11:12 KJV)”, He was inferring a similar kind of warfare. Similar but not the same.

God considers spiritually violent people to be the obedient ones (those who obey unto death). For this was how our Lord obtained the kingdom; after submitting Himself to die on the cross, He became worthy to take the authority to judge (lead) the earth, which was represented as a scroll in the hand of the Father in heaven (Rom. 5:2-10). Do you want to take that nation for God? Or do you want the bring the kingdom values to your field of influence? You must be a violent one to achieve that feat. By “violent one” I mean “obedient one“. No violence, no taking.

To become spiritually violent people, we have to learn how to walk before God. For as we live in the consciousness of His presence, we become bold to obey Him, for we know He is with us.

Prayer Point:

Let’s thank God for His word today. Let’s ask Him to help us become spiritually violent so we can take the kingdom.


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