The Anointing and the Anointed

Call to Prayer
Topic: The Anointing and the Anointed

By: Daniel Peter

Date: 01.10.2024
So Samuel took the horn of oil and anointed him in the presence of his brothers, and from that day on the Spirit of the LORD came powerfully upon David. Samuel then went to Ramah. ย (1 Samuel 16:13, NIV)
God has His purposes on earth and He chooses men to fulfill them. The purposes of the divine cannot be fulfilled with human strength. So, God anoints certain vessels to fulfil the task. The word “anoint” was translated from the Hebrew word “mรขshach,” which means to rub with oil (Exodus 29:7, Leviticus 8:12). And all through scripture, we find God using oil to symbolically represent the Holy Spirit (Psalm 23:5, 1 Samuel 10:1).
When God anoints someone, the Holy Spirit comes upon the individual to fulfil a specific task. The anointing imparts an individual with supernatural abilities to fulfil that which he or she has been called to do (1 Samuel 16:13, Acts 1:8). This makes the person a wonder to those who behold them, as God is revealed through the acts He empowers them to do. However, there’s a need to note that the anointing is not the anointed. The anointing is the empowerment, and the anointed is the vessel being empowered.
Though the anointing is strong and manifests things beyond human abilities, the anointed is usually weak, as God chooses the weak and foolish things of this world to confound the strong and wise (1 Corinthians 1:27). The weakness of the anointed has both a positive and negative effect.
The positive effect of the anointed being weak is that God can be seen in the ministry, as people would know that what is manifesting is God and not the man himself. Nicodemus told Jesus Christ, “No one can do these signs that you do unless God is with him” (John 3:2).
Again, the weakness of the anointed reveals the grace of God. Apostle Paul said he was the least among the Apostles, yet he was chosen and empowered for the task he fulfilled because of grace (1 Corinthians 15:9-10).
The weakness of the anointed can also be sinful, which negatively impacts those they minister to. As though God does good works through them by the anointing, their weaknesses can also be a danger to those they minister to. For example, some years ago, I had a vision where the Lord showed me a lady who was going to be raped by one anointed because of her carefree attitude and she was prone to trust one manifesting power and the gifts of the Holy Spirit. When I shared this vision with her, she almost started crying, as she had been in that position before but God delivered her. Then she took caution.
The anointing is different from the anointed. Though we honour the anointed, we must know that they are still fallible men. Trusting in the anointed because of the anointing may put you in a very vulnerable position.
Prayer Point
Let’s thank the Lord for His word today. Let’s ask Him to help us guide our affairs with wisdom.

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