The anointing for service

Call To Prayer

Title: The anointing for service

By: Wale Lasisi

Date: 16.12.2021


The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he hath anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor; he hath sent me to heal the brokenhearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised. (Luke 4:18 KJV)


The anointing of the Spirit upon a life functions in various ways but according to Godโ€™s assignment per time. Our Lord Jesus was anointed to preach, set the captives free……while Saul was anointed to be captain over Israel and Jehu was anointed to destroy the house of Ahab. God is strategic when He pours out the oil on any of His servant. Itโ€™s poured out to answer to a need and not just carelessly. Every time God wants to visit his people, He anoints a man to carry out this task.

The anointing separates us for Godโ€™s use. Moses was instructed by the Lord to separate Aaron and his children by anointing them so they can minister unto Him (Exo. 28:41). He anoints us to be His ministers in every department represented in the body of Christ. Not every minister will be on the pulpit. A lot have been anointed for hospitality and welfare and their whole duty is to see to the well being of the brethren. Whereas, some have been anointed for administration, and all they do is making sure there is structure and order in the body of Christ. So, abide in that which thou at been called.

Another thing the anointing does is that it attracts key people to help bring Godโ€™s vision to pass in your life but it also makes you a target because it brings exposure. The anointing was able to bring David into relevance in Israel when he defeated Goliath but also made him a target of envy from king Saul. The Almighty knows this and that is why He has created a cover of protection for His servants (Ps 105:15) but you must plug in to enjoy this because the enemy thrives on our ignorance.

To be a candidate for the anointing, you must be of a willing heart and a pure conscience. Humility is key because the anointing comes upon the humble (Jam.4:6). God rejects the proud and gives grace to the humble. To receive the anointing, have a heart that is ready to serve because God processes every servant through service.

Prayer point:
Letโ€™s ask God to purge us thoroughly and make us candidates of His anointing continually.


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God bless you!


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