The Audacity of Faith

Call to Prayer

Title: The Audacity of Faith

Date: 04.02.202

By: Daniel Peter


Now when they saw the boldness of Peter and John, and perceived that they were unlearned and ignorant men, they marvelled; and they took knowledge of them, that they had been with ย Jesusย Acts 4:13 KJVย 


One time, a father in the faith was ministering and a dead child was brought to the altar. At first, he did not notice that the child was dead, but as he got close to the body lying on the altar, it became obvious to him that she was dead. Being stirred by the spirit of faith, he took the child by the hand and demanded that the mother should come take her, indicating that she is now alive. Despite the child being dead as he held her, he kept on speaking by faith as though the child was alive. Shortly afterward, the child came back to life.

You may ask, what if the child didn’t come back to life? What would have happened to his reputation? Audacity is the willingness to take bold risks. Therefore, audacious faith is the faith that acts on the word, despite the danger (risk) of doing so.ย This was how men and women of faith lived and wrought great things before God. For example, when Joshua commanded the sun and the moon to be still,ย  the Bible recorded that he did so in the sight of all Israel (Joshua 10:12). This means that all Israel heard him, and he stood the chance of being mocked if the word was not fulfilled. Again, the audacity of faith was expressed when Shedrack, Meshach, and Abednego refused to bow down before the golden statue despite they risked losing their lives ( Dan. 3:14-25).

What is common among all who were audacious enough to demonstrate their faith in the manner described above was that they had confidence in God and were dead to themselves (to their reputation). Both confidence in God and deadness to self are products of spending time with God, reading the word, and praying. When the Jews saw the audacity of Peter and John’s faith, the Bible recorded that they took note that they had been with Jesus (Acts 4:13).

Another key needed to manifest faith in this manner is submission. As we submit ourselves to God and to the human authorities He has given to us, our words are obeyed by nature and demons, for we have been obedient ourselves (2Cor. 10:6, Matt. 8:9).

Prayer Point:

Let’s thank God for His word today. Let’s ask Him to help us spend quality time with Him in prayer and word study, and he should give us the grace to submit ourselves to Him and the human authorities He has given us.






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