The Believer And The Word


By: Stephen Osei Kuffour

Date: 29.10.2023

Title: The Believer And The Word


And my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus. Now to our God and Father be glory forever and ever. Amen.

(Philippians 4:19-20 NKJV)


A famous man of God told a story of an encounter that his wife once had with a demon. In this encounter, his wife saw a very handsome man dressed in all white. There was a bright light emanating from his face and so his wife thought that was the Lord Jesus Christ. She then decided to bow and worship. As she was about to bow, the man said, โ€œGo on and bow to me my daughter. I am the Lord Jesus, and I WILL die for youโ€. As soon as he made this statement, his wife who knew the Scriptures replied and said, โ€œLord Jesus, but the Scriptures said you have already died for me and so what are you talking about? When the man realized that the wife knows the truth, his faced turned into a monster and he ran away.

When I heard this story, I asked myself that, what if the wife didnโ€™t know the word? She would have submitted her will to a demon thinking that was the Lord Jesus Christ. This actually reveals the importance of knowing the word of God. Most importantly, not only knowing and reciting the Scriptures but knowing the truth in the word of God. A similar thing happened when the devil came to tempt our Lord Jesus Christ. He quoted Scriptures and tried to twist the truth in the Scriptures to deceive Jesus Christ. However, the Lord Jesus Christ who knew the truth, used it to defeat the devil (Matt 4).

Most Believers nowadays build their whole Christian life on Visions, Prophecies, Gifts and the Miraculous. I have personally seen most Believers leave a Bible-believing Church where the truth of the word is taught, in search of miracles. When you ask them why they left, they will mostly say itโ€™s because the Leader of the Bible-believing Church was not powerful.

Who is more powerful? I always ask myself this question. Sadly, most people see the men of God whom the Lord uses to work miracles as more powerful than those whom He uses to reveal the truth in His Word. It doesnโ€™t really surprise me because many Believers are not spiritually mature and are therefore tossed to and fro by any wind of doctrine (Eph 4.14).

It is important to mention that I am not against Visions, Prophecies, Gifts and the Miraculous because they are also part of Christianity. However, it is very dangerous for Believers to build their whole Christian life on them and ignore the truth in the word of God. You will easily be deceived! The word of God even teaches us to judge all these in accordance with the word (1 Thess 5:21, 1 Cor 14:29).

The word of God is one of the greatest Weapons that the Lord gave to His children (Heb 4:12, Eph 6:17). Letโ€™s therefore spend a lot of time learning, studying, reading, and meditating on the word of God. Letโ€™s always hunger and thirst for more (Matt 5:6). Letโ€™s also develop the habit of listening to messages from men of God whom the Lord uses to teach the truth of His Word.

Beloved in the Lord, letโ€™s not build our whole Christian lives on Visions, Prophecies, Gifts and the Miraculous. However, letโ€™s build them on the word and judge everything in accordance with the word. This is because the word of God is one of the greatest weapons, we have to withstand all the tricks and deceptions of the evil one. You need the word!

Prayer Point

Letโ€™s thank God for His Word today. Letโ€™s ask the Lord to give all Believers the hunger and thirst for the truth in His word.

God bless you all


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