The Blood Speaks

Call to Prayerย 

Title: The Blood Speaks

By: Daniel Peterย 

Date: 24.04.2024


to Jesus the Mediator of the new covenant, and to the blood of sprinkling that speaks better things than that of Abelย  Heb. 12:24 NKJV


The spiritual warfare that we are in as Christians is legal in nature. God is a judge, and He has a court. As in the natural court system, there is the plaintiff (the person or group who is accusing another person or group of some wrongdoing) and the defendant (the person or group accused ofย the crime).ย 

Both the plaintiff and the defendant have a legal representative called Attorneys.ย In God’s court, the devil is theย Attorney of the plaintiff, while Jesus is theย Attorney of the defendantย (the Church). However, as we know, though the devil knows the laws of God, he doesn’t abide by them. His goal is to see that every human comes under judgment. His tactics are to stir humans against each other and push them to sin against God. When there is an offence, he presents it to God as evidence against the one who sinned. Thenย God would have no option but to judge the person.

An example of thisย was seenย in the case of Cain and Abel.ย After Cain was lured by the devil to kill Abel, there was a cry of the blood of Abel from the earth (Gen. 4:10). It was this voice of the blood of Abel that the enemy presented at the courtroom of God as evidence against the defendant (in this case, Cain).ย The cry of Abel was the cry of judgement. Like Cain, many people have voices accusing them before God.ย Thisย may be as a result of sins committed by theirย fathers,ย or even their sins. For this reason, they endure judgment.

However, another blood speaks in God’s court, and that is theย blood of Jesus.ย unlikeย Abel’s blood that cried for judgment, the blood of Jesus cries mercy on our behalf (Luke 23:34). The moment we place our faith in Jesus, the voice of the accuserย is silencedย by the voice of the blood of Jesus, and every judgementย is ceased.ย 

We activate this reality in Him by praying for His mercy to reign over judgement in our lives (James 2:13), and by thanking Him for the blood that speaks on our behalf. Again, service attracts mercy (Mal. 3:17-18, 2 Tim. 1: 16-18)

Prayer Point:

Let’s thank God for His word today. Let’s ask that His mercyย shouldย reign over judgment in the life of all. Also, let’s thank Him for the blood of Jesusย Christย that’s speaks better thingsย on our behalf.


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