The book of records

Call To Prayer

Title: The book of records

By: Wale Lasisi

Date: 09.05.2024


There was a man in the land of Uz, whose name was Job; and that man was perfect and upright, and one that feared God, and eschewed evil. (Job 1:1 KJV)


The account in the first few chapters of the book of Job revealed that the writer had access to the life of Job on earth with his family and businesses. This writer also had access to events and things that are being discussed about Job in heaven. This personality was able to record a season in the life of Job for us as a case study in understanding the ways of God as it pertains to men.

Everything that we are doing is being recorded. Our actions, our responses to situations and circumstances, our stand for God in the face of compromise, the solidity of our faith when all hope seems lost. It was from these records that Moses was brought into the understanding of the beginning and how Adam fell, how Cain departed from Godโ€™s presence, how God dealt with Abraham and his faith produced a covenant (Gen. 22:26-18) for which we are all partakers today.

If the recording of events taking place in your life were to be used as a manual to teach men about Godโ€™s dealings, what will it produce? Have you ever wondered how the content of your own book of records will sound like when read to others. Will it be coloured with mischief and deceitfulness or will it be enveloped with humility, faith and sacrifice?

These records that I speak about are being updated by the minute and the full volume will play the major role on the day of judgment. Just as God could brag about Job ( Job 1:8), He desires that all His children will attain that standard (1 Pet. 1:16). There is still room to amend negative records like the prodigal son and finish your sojourn on this earthly side with applause from heaven. We all need consistent self appraisal and reflection to see what heaven is seeing concerning us and adjust where necessary.


Prayer point:

Let us thank God for His word today. Let us pray for grace to live holy and acceptably in His sight at all times.


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