The books and the book

Call To Prayer

Title: The books and the book

By: Simon Maina Nuhu

Date: 02.12.2022


”And I saw the dead, small and great, stand before God; and the books were opened: and another book was opened, which is the book of life: and the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books, according to their works” (Revelations 20:12).


The Lord wants to draw our attention through the scripture about the great day that has never happened and will never happen again, it is in fact, post events of rapture and the great tribulation. For we are duly notified in various parts of the scripture that a final day shall come when God will judge all mankind (2 Corinthians 5:10) according to the measure of their deeds while on earth. On this day, the sea will give up all the dead in it, nature and its activity will surrender all the lives it claimed, dead and hell will deliver up which were in them (Revelations 20:13), why? for the purpose of reckoning (judgment). The proceeding will determine the eternal fate of all men, some to shame and condemnation, and some to everlasting life (Daniel 12:3). Two categories of books (the books and the book) will confer rewards to men accordingly.

The booksย actually contain records of both the righteous and the unrighteous, the godly and ungodly. These books are an account of the deeds, activities, and lifestyle of men and their works from the day they were born until they died. The deeds of the wicked could be killing, anger, hatred, lying, ungodly behavior, disobedience, idle and careless words (Matthew 12:36), idolatry, fornication, etc, and likewise the activities of the righteous men such as acts of giving to the poor, peacemaking, holiness, sharing the gospel, saving lives for God, doing good and pursuing righteousness. It is important we understand that these books and their contents either offer eventual judgment (condemnation to the ungodly who died without God) or justification (Life everlasting with Christ to the saved saints) by the records therein. Unfortunately, for the unbelievers, the books will be the determinant of their eternity, as their records only end in the books.

The book (book of Life) which is also referred to as the book of life according to Revelations 20:15, is the final justification to glory for all prophets and saints who died in righteousness, before and after the coming of Christ. In Luke 10:20, Christ reminded the disciples that they should rejoice because their names are written in heaven which is the most significant thing worthy of celebration. Anyone’s name not found in the book is thrown out into a lake of fire.

In conclusion, the essence of our prayer and fasting, evangelism, acts of righteousness, prophecy, healing, miracles and doing signs and wonders, doing good is that our names should not only be in the books but most necessarily in the book (book of life), because everyone’s profile will appear in the books, however, only those heaven truly recognized will be written in the book of life; that is all that matters!

Prayer point:

Let’s thank God for the words today and ask Him to help us live lives worthy of heaven’s recognition.


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