The Church of David

Call To Prayer

Title: The Church of David

By: Wale Lasisi

Date: 30.11.2023


And every one that was in distress, and every one that was in debt, and every one that was discontented, gathered themselves unto him; and he became a captain over them: and there were with him about four hundred men. (1 Samuel 22:2 KJV)


One of the illustrations of the Christian Army is found in Joel 2:2-11. These do not fight battles physically but draw spiritual strength to overcome and prevail in the battlefield. David only manifested these characteristics in the physical by demonstrating how to wield the hand of God as a weapon over the battles of life and prevail over them. Davidโ€™s Army was a congregation and he presided over them as both the Captain and the Priest. The church of David is a congregation of warriors.

One of the notable things we will later see in the lives of these men was that they became mighty men just like David. This was because he taught them his ways. As a priest, he taught them the ways of worship unto the Lord as a weapon. This was the same weapon that God told Jehosaphat to use (2Chr. 20:20-25) resulting in supernatural victory for Judah. As Christian soldiers, we must be skilled in the art of using worship as a weapon of battle. Worship is not only limited to ministering to the Lord and for ascension, it is also a potent weapon of warfare.

As warriors, another characteristic that must be carried by the Christian soldier is resilience or ability to tarry long in the battlefield no matter how long it takes until victory is accomplished. This is the ability to tarry in prayers until the forces of the enemy has been decimated and victory secured. David was a man that tarry long and we can see this in the life of these men. So much so that Uriah the Hittite saw it as an abomination to go home and sleep when other men were tarrying on the battlefield (2Sam.11:11). We must refuse to embrace pleasure in the midst of battle.

Finally, discipline and courage to obey instructions are foundational norms in any military setting. As Christian soldiers, we must strive to make discipline our priority and obey the instructions from our Commander through the Word and the Holy ghost to end up as mighty men.

Prayer point:
Letโ€™s thank God for His word today. Letโ€™s pray that God will make us His soldiers indeed giving no place to the devil.


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