The Cleansing Power of the Word

Call To Prayer

Title: The Cleansing Power of the Word

By: Wale Lasisi

Date: 02.11.2023


That he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word, [27] That he might present it to himself a glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish. Ephesians 5:26-27 KJV


The word of God has cleansing abilities and this attribute is supernatural but its manifestations can be seen physically in the lives of men and women who have given themselves to the word. Even though, these are words, they purge and purify. These words are not empty, they carry the Spirit of God Himself and we can see a correlation between the word and the Spirit in 1 Jn 5:7 together with the Father being one. It is the Spirit that conveys the word in the form of water to sanctify and cleanse.

The purpose of this cleansing is not necessarily for sin as we know it but to remove spots and wrinkles from our lives. Spots and wrinkles are the shortcomings that besets us from fulfilling the plans and purposes of God over our lives. It could be anger, pride, doubts, sicknesses, ignorance, oppression, pain and so on. These wrinkles and spots have the capacity to make a life useless until it subscribes to washing it by the word. By becoming word addicts, we are essentially washing away everything that does not glorify God in our lives.

When the word washes us, we enter into abundance like the case of Peter in Luke 5:4-7. Even though he doubted at first, the moment he obeyed the words of the master, he experienced a harvest he had never seen before in his life and launched him into abundance. Have you been washed by the word while reading it and God is instructing you through it to take certain actions? Donโ€™t waste time get it done and enter into abundance.

When the word cleanses us, we are free from sickness and diseases. I remember one Shiloh programme I attended some years back and as the word was going on, I saw an old schoolmate who has always had a club feet(both feet bending inwards) get healed and could now walk feet flat on the ground without anyone laying hands, the word washed away this disability and made her whole. The word delivers, it restores everything that has been lost to the enemy if we abide in the word.


Prayer point:
Let us thank for the word today. Letโ€™s pray that Jesus will wash us by His word and remove every spot and wrinkle from our lives.


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