The Consciousness of the Presence of God


Date: 12.03.2021

Title: The Consciousness of the Presence of God


I have set the LORD always before me: because he is at my right hand, I shall not be moved.

(Psa 16:8 KJV)

The above verse of scripture is a prophecy about Jesus Christ. When Jesus walked on earth, He walked with the full consciousness that God was with Him. You hear Him always make reference to the Father as the source of all He did (John 14:10). And in John 17:21, He indicated that His Father was in Him the whole time He was on earth. Jesus was intentional about the practice of consciousness of the Father. Why was He doing so? And what is the benefit?

Generally speaking, there are two levels to the presence of God. The first is God as Omnipresent. With this, He is everywhere and sees all that is happening but only as an observer. As an observer He doesnโ€™t act, He doesnโ€™t interfere. The second level of Godโ€™s presence is the Manifest Presence of God, also known as Jehovah-Shammah. In this Manifest Presence of God, He interferes in our situation; He interferes to heal, to deliver, to save, and to strengthen etc. This is the presence that He promised the disciples when He gave them the great commission (Matthew 28:20), and it was the same presence that was with the Judges and people He used in the Old Testament. This Manifest Presence of God is available to all believers.

ย Despite this dimension of Godโ€™s presence is available to all believers, it needs to be activated. In Acts 7:55 & 56 When Stephen, one of the seven, was being stoned, He saw the glory of God and Jesus standing at His right hand. Despite this vision, God did not act to save Him. His death was not Godโ€™s will. The Lord told me some time ago that the reason Stephen died was that He was not expecting deliverance. Itโ€™s one thing to see God in heaven, itโ€™s another thing to see God with you. The case was different for Paul, who was several times in death situations and He always came out alive and victorious. Why? Paul was always in expectation of Godโ€™s deliverance (2 Corinthians 1:20). God was always manifestly present with Paul.

The Manifest Presence of God is activated when we practice His consciousness. The key to practicing the consciousness of God is meditation. There are about four distinct aspects of meditation, they include visualization, memorization, verbalization (muttering), and declaration (shouting it out). As we do this, it gives to us the faith to see God with us and to expect Him to act in our situation.

Prayer Point:

Letโ€™s ask God to give every believer the grace to practice the consciousness of His presence; He should enable each one of us to always meditate on scriptures and on the fact that He is always with us.

God bless you all

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