The Cost Of Obedience


By: Stephen Osei Kuffour

Date: 19.05.2024

Title: The Cost Of Obedience


โ€œDo not think that I came to bring peace on earth. I did not come to bring peace but a sword. For I have come to โ€˜set a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-lawโ€™; and โ€˜a manโ€™s enemies will be those of his own household.โ€™ย  (Matthew 10:34-36 NKJV)


A few days ago, I chanced on a viral video of a certain marriage counsellor on social media. In this video, this man was sharing his key to maintaining peace in his marriage. He said the key is to give your wife whatever she needs and do whatever she wants. I realized that a lot of people at the comment section seemed to agree with what he said and applauded him for it. However, after spending some time to think about his statement and to align with the word of God, I found out that it was false and not in accordance with the word of God.

This advice will not work for many people. This is because if you get married to a woman who is extravagant and demanding, and she asks you to buy her expensive things and take her on monthly expensive trips, will you do it? She will finish all your money and you will end up in poverty. As a Christian, if your partner comes to you and say that you should practice open marriage, will you do it? Will you disobey the Lord and commit adultery just to satisfy your partnerโ€™s evil desires so you can have peace?

We have to know that the peace of God is not the absence of problems, trials or persecutions. The Lord gives His people peace in the midst of all these (Phil 4:6-7). Therefore, if you have to disobey the Lord in order to have peace with men, you should know that it is not the peace of God but of the world. Besides, if you want to please men all the time, you cannot please God (Gal 1:10).

Also, it is important to understand that, as Christians, we have to be submitted first to God before we submit to our partner (Js 4:7, Eph 5:24). We have to obey God above anyone else (Acts 5:29). Letโ€™s however know that this obedience will come at a great cost.

This is because those who are close to you might not always understand all the sacrifices you have to make in order to obey and please the Lord. This might result to arguments, disagreements, and persecutions (Matt 10:34-36). Are you willing to pay the price? It will be difficult now but, in the end, we will realize that it was worth it.

Beloved in the Lord, God requires absolute obedience from us above anyone else. However, this obedience to God might sometimes lead to disagreements and persecutions from those who are close to us. Are you ready to bear the cost?

Prayer Point:

Letโ€™s thank God for His Word today. Letโ€™s ask the Lord to help all Believers around the world to always obey Him above anyone else.

God bless you all!


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