The Day of His Power

By:ย Daniel Peter


Thy people shallย be willingย in the day of thy power, in the beauties of holiness from the womb of the morning: thou hast the dew of thy youth.ย (Psalm 110:3KJV)


When the disciples asked our Lord Jesus Christ when the end time will be, the way He answered is suggestive of how He expects us to gain information on times and seasons. In Matthew 24:15-16, He said, โ€œWhen ye therefore shall seeย the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place, (whoso readeth, let him understand:), Then let them which be in Judaea flee into the mountains:โ€.ย This suggests that, as we observe events in the natural (both in the kingdom and in the world), we can discern the agenda of God for the season.

Not long ago, the Lord poured out a new wine (dimension) of the Spirit upon believers, and a word went forth proclaiming that those who are the carriers of this dimension of the Spirit are those He is going to use to establish the kingdom reign and rule on the earth, bringing about the fulfilment of Matt. 24:14 and Rev. 10:10. Now, the question is, how is a kingdom established?

The Bible was written in such a way that from the stories in the Old Testament, we can understand the Truth of the New Testament. Therefore, from the way the kingdom was modelled by Israel in the Old Testament, we can discern the operations of the kingdom of God in the new. By a promise, the land of Canaan (where the kingdom of Israel existed in the Old Testament) was given to the children of Israel as they came out of Egypt (Exo. 3:8). But for about 440 years, the kingdom wasnโ€™t established until the time of David when the enemies of Israel were defeated, completely. We can see that the defeat of the enemy marks the establishment of the kingdom. Again, this concept can be seen clearly when Solomon took over the kingdom from David. Before this time, some internal enemies rose within the kingdom, which King Solomon went ahead to execute. At this, the bible witnessed: โ€œThen the king gave the order to Benaiah son of Jehoiada, and he went out and struck Shimei down and he died. The kingdom wasย now established in Solomonโ€™s hands (1 Kings 2:46) โ€.ย The phraseย โ€œNow establishโ€ย means before then, it wasnโ€™t established. This, again, proves that the eliminations of enemies bring about the establishment of the kingdom.

In the Old Testament, humans were the enemies to be displaced for the kingdom to be established, but in the new, the devil and his demons are the enemies to be displaced. This was the reason Jesus told the Phariseesย โ€œ…if I am casting out demons by the power of God,ย then the Kingdom of God has arrived among youย (Luke 11:20 NLT)โ€. In essence, it takes power to establish the kingdom, for it takes power to displace the enemy.

Therefore, if the Lord is declaring to the Church that the period for the establishment of His kingdom reign and rule on the earth is near, and the vessels to bring about this has been revealed, then itโ€™s safe to say that we are in the day of His power . And the sign that we have entered that day is that the people of God will be willing to be used by Him, for the Spirit said through David: โ€œThy people shall be willing in the day of thy power (Psalm 110:3KJV)โ€

Prayer Point

Letโ€™s thank God for His word today. Letโ€™s ask Him to make us all willing to be used by Him.


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God bless you all


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