The disciple’s promise


Date: 15/01/2022

By: Owusu Clifford S.

Title โ€“ The discipleโ€™s promise


Matthew 4:19 – And he said to them, โ€œFollow me, and I will make you fishers of men.โ€


Once, there was a little boy who was about to start school and he asked his Mum a thought-provoking question while she was dressing him. โ€œMum, what will I gain from going to school?โ€. The mum replied, โ€œyou will gain knowledge and skills to make your life successful and easierโ€. The little boy became sad and then asked a series of questions: So, wonโ€™t I make friends? Wonโ€™t I experience a new environment? Wonโ€™t I have favourite teachers? Wonโ€™t I know more people? The mum calmly replied, โ€œson, you will get all these things but the key among these is the knowledge you will gain for your lifeโ€ After hearing this, there was a beeping smile on the boyโ€™s face.

The life of most believers (disciples) of today are like this little boy. Their focus is not on the main goal (soul-winning) but on the by-products of being a follower of Jesus Christ. Now, if we critically analyse our verse for today, we will understand the one major thing, the discipleโ€™s promise. When Jesus Christ called the first disciples, there was only one promise he gave him, โ€œfollow me, and I will make you fishers of menโ€. That was Jesusโ€™ promise to them, and it was that word they believed and followed Him. If they were expecting other things, unfortunately, those things were not part of the promise.

We also have been given the same promise. By following Jesus Christ, we are guaranteed, or I should say, we are to be fishers of men. Often, the focus of many Christians is towards material things (houses, cars, fat bank account balances, good marriages etc). Funny enough, all these things are like the things the boy mentioned in his follow up questions to his mother; they are not the main things. Undoubtedly, God desires that his children will prosper, and all may go well with them (3rd John 1:2), however seeking the kingdom of God and its righteousness (Matthew 6:33) should be at the forefront.

The only thing that makes thousands of angels rejoice in heaven is when a soul is saved from perishing (Luke 15:10). God does not delight in the death of the sinner (Ezekiel 33:11, 1st Timothy 2:4, 2nd Peter 3:9), and the Great Commission was not just for the early disciples of Jesus. Being content with our salvation without helping others to know is a disservice to the kingdom of God. Jesus has fulfilled His promise of making us fishers of men by going to the cross, paving the way for the Holy Spirit to come and empower us. Now, the net is in your hands, cast it (pray for souls to be saved, pray for more labourers, preach the gospel to others), and you will definitely catch some fishes.


Let us thank God for His word today and the answers to all our prayers. Let us pray for the heart of soul-winning especially as the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ draws nearer.


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