The Domain of the New Man

Call To Prayer

Topic:ย The Domain of the New Man

Date: 18.10.2022

By: Daniel Peter


Then Jesus came to them and said, โ€œAll authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.ย Matt. 28:18 NIV


There’s an erroneous teaching that has been around in the body of Christ that tends to limit the extent of the operation of the New Man. This teaching affirms that there are certain ranks of the enemy that the New Man should not engage (that we have not been given authority over them). This is despite Jesus Christ clearly stating in Luke 10:19 that the authority He gave to the disciples gave them the right to trample on “every power of the enemy”. The foundation of this error is that some have not been able to behold the domain of operation of the New Man. This is what I want to help us see in this post.

The word kingdom is a combination of two words: “King” and “Domain”. The word domain means an area of territory owned or controlled by a particular ruler or government (in this case, a king). Within his domain, a king has the right to operate as king (He has authority over), but not outside his domain. At the creation of Adam, his domain of operation was clearly stated: “Rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky and over every living creature that moves on the ground (Gen. 1:28 NIV)โ€. That is, his domain included the sea, the air, and the land, which are all within the earth. This meant that Adam’s authority (right of operation) as a king was limited to earth. Therefore, principalities outside earth were not obligated to submit to his authority.

The case of the New Man is different from the Old Man. After the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, who is a man (though He is also God), He was lifted far above all heavens (Eph. 4:10). Which meant his domain of operation far exceeds earth. After His resurrection, He clearly stated that โ€œAll authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me (Matt. 28:18)”. When He said “All Authority”, he meant He had received the right to operate as a king in every domain in the universalย  (within and outside earth). So whatever creature that exists in those domains, including all principalities and powers, must bow (submit) to His authority. Whatever God gave to Jesus Christ, is what every Christian has the right to, for we are co-heirs with Him (Rom. 8:17)

This truth was what alluded to when the Bible stated that God has put everything under the feet of man (Hebrew 2:6-8). By Him saying everything, it means it includes all known power of the enemy and God’s Angels. So the idea that we cannot command principalities is very false. However, the way we engage the different ranks of the enemy is different. This I will make clear in tomorrow’s post.

Prayer Point:

Let’s thank God for His word today. Let’s also ask him to help us see and access all our inheritance in Christ.

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