The essence of God’s grace

Call To Prayer

Title: The essence of God’s grace

By: Owusu Clifford S.

Date: 15/10/2022


Then Moses said to the LORD, โ€œO my Lord, I am not eloquent, neither before nor since You have spoken to Your servant, but I am slow of speech and slow of tongue.โ€ Exodus 4:10


I once heard a preacher say, “God will never call you to do what you know how to do or you have the capability to do”. I was baffled for some time by his statement because if God knows I cannot do it or do not know how to do it, then why should He call me to do it? However, after pondering on the word, I understood where he was coming from.

Some time ago, the Holy Spirit gave me a message titled “the equipping grace”. The foundation of that message was that the grace of God equips us, the children of God, to do the work assigned to us. Today’s message is an add-up to that message. The burning question is why do we need the grace of God as humans?

As easy as it may seem, it is quite a difficult question to answer. The grace of God is needed to cover our limitations. Thus, whatever we cannot do, the grace of God is there to help us do them, and even the ones we think we can do, the grace of God helps us to do them better. If we do not have physical limitations, we can never understand and appreciate the essence of God’s grace. In our verse for today, Moses spoke to God about his inability to speak, which he believed made him unworthy to be a deliverer of God’s people. But the sufficiency of the grace of God brought the people out of Egypt with Moses, the stammerer being the spearhead. Also, we should not forget that Apostle Paul was not an eloquent speaker, yet he preached the gospel wherever he went and held and won debates. In our time, we have examples of Apostle Arome Osayi and Pastor Joseph Prince, who have testified that they were terrible stammerers, but by the grace of God, they are among the powerful preachers of the gospel in our time.

How did they overcome their limitations? By the grace of God. The grace of God makes us realise that we must solely depend on God to achieve results. God’s grace equips us to do the things we never imagined we could do, or we can never do on our own no matter how much we humanly try. So, if you are still contemplating whether that call to do the work of God is from God, overlook your limitations and focus on the grace of God. When we could not deliver ourselves from the power of sin no matter how many animals we sacrificed, God sent His son Jesus Christ, clothed and adorned with grace and mercy. In our weakness, His grace is made sufficient for us. That is the essence of God’s grace. Grace equips, empowers, and makes men do the impossible. You may be limited, but God’s grace is complete.

Prayer Point:

Let us thank God for His word today. Also, let us take time and reflect on the grace of God and praise God for His amazing grace that covers all our weaknesses and makes perfect our abilities.


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