The evidence of faithfulness

Call To Prayer

Title: The evidence of faithfulness

By: Owusu Clifford S.

Date: 27/08/2022


His master said to him, โ€˜Well done, good andย faithful servant. You have been faithful over a little;ย I will set you over much. Enter intoย the joy of your master. Matthew 25:21


Why do companies publish their annual accounts? Why do masters require that subordinates produce results? Why do finance ministers read state of the nations address and are asked to produce national budget statements? The answer to all these questions is one; for the purpose of accountability. One thing that defines a good steward is what the person has been able to accomplish with what was entrusted to his care. A positive result leads to good rewards and contrary results may lead to a reprimand.

One of the key passages about stewardship in the Bible is the Parable of the Talents (Matthew 25:14-30). Jesus illustrates the kingdom of God as a man who entrusted talents/money to his servants before leaving on a journey. Though the master did not explicitly say what they should do with it, but there was an implied obligation to make use of it. Two of the three servants went and worked with their talents and the other servant hid the talent.

When the master returned, he rewarded the two who worked with their talents and punished the servant who hid his talent. Though, it seemed as though that third servant did nothing wrong because he gave back to the master what was given to him. Now, the key here is that, God expects us to work with what he has left in our care: spiritual gifts, knowledge, expertise, crafts, etc, and not just work but produce good results. They were given for a purpose and for that purpose should they be used. The servants who worked and made more than they were given were rewarded as “good and faithful servants”. Also, the master was ready to entrust into their hands more than they had initially.

Beloved, the evidence of our faithfulness is our fruitfulness. God expects us to work with and multiply what he has given us. It is a man’s gift that opens doors for him before Kings and princes. Often, most believers are stranded not knowing what they can do in the house of God or what they can do in their life. It does not take anything extreme. Just start small, where you are and see how God will bless it. A day is coming that the master will demand an account from us. Are we ready to settle the accounts? What is the evidence of our faithful stewardship? What fruits have we born with our gifts?

All is not over and it is not too late to start working with what you have. We cannot give back to God just what he gave us. That will amount to unfaithful stewardship. We should always remember, the evidence of our faithfulness is our fruitfulness. May God bless us.


Prayer Point:

Let us thank God for the answers to our prayers. Let us pray for the grace and strength to be faithful stewards who will bear fruits in everything our hands find doing.


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