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The extraordinary in an ordinary environment
Date: 14/05/2022
By: Owusu Clifford S.
Title – The extraordinary in an ordinary environment
Luke 5:8 – But when Simon Peter saw it, he fell down at Jesus’ knees, saying, “Depart from me, for I am a sinful man, O Lord.”
This message was inspired by an article I read today about one of the renowned violinist in the world by name Joshua Bell. In 2007, the award-winning classical music icon played on a subway for free. He disguised himself a bit with a baseball cap and nobody really paid attention to him. He made just a little over $30 that afternoon. Prior to this, he had sold out a whole auditorium earning over $30m. What was the difference? The difference was the environment. It was the same person, same instrument, same talent but different outcomes. The knowledge of who he is, and the environment influenced the outcome.
When Jesus Christ came into the world, He was an extraordinary human in an ordinary environment. In the life of Jesus, we saw two different reactions towards Him. Those he had healed, cleansed, and delivered had a different perception about Him. Likewise, those who had knowledge of who He was also saw him from a similar angle. However, those who did not know who He was treated Him anyhow, called him names and even made fun of Him. The Scribes, Pharisees and the Jews particularly would not accept His words and what He offered.
For instance, in our verse for today, one act from Jesus made Peter realise who Jesus was. He made him have a catch he had not had before. Through this act, Peter realised and acknowledged his unworthiness knowing that Jesus was not ordinary. It did not end there, Peter became a follower of Jesus and today, he is mentioned among the great Apostles in Biblical history. All this happened through the knowledge he had of Jesus. He left everything to follow Jesus and his reward was enormous.
In life, the extra ordinary people we meet who can change our lives do not always appear as such. The environment and conditions in which we meet them may not allow for a better understanding of who they are. However, as the Bible admonishes us, we ought to do good to all at all times. Also, do not be disheartened when the environment in which you find yourself does not recognise your abilities and potentials and the impact you can make. Sometimes, it takes time. Seeds go through a burial process to become fruits. Jesus went through the burial process Himself, to get the name that is above every other name. Do not look beyond where you are. There is an extraordinary person in you or around you. Be blessed!
Let us thank God for His word and the answers to our prayers. Let us pray for enlightenment to see the best in the people we meet and also the grace to blossom in the environment we are.
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