The Gift of Suffering

Call to Prayer

Title: The Gift of Suffering

Name: Daniel Peter

Date: 11.04.2023


I will show him how much he must suffer for my name.โ€ ย Acts 9:16 NIV


The topic of today’s write up is not one I expect to be very appealing but one that we need to discuss, as people need to understand why God has allowed the situation they are in and what He is doing by it.
During the call of Apostle Paul, an interesting conversation happened with Jesus Christ and Ananias who led him to Christ. After complaining to Jesus the evil things Paul had done to Christians, Jesus replied with these words “...I will show him how much he must suffer for my name (Act s 9:16)โ€. Now, when you consider the statement, your first thought would be it was because He persecuted the Church that was why Jesus assigned him a portion to suffer, but when you consider that the salvation of our souls leads to the forgiveness of our sins, and God would not be just to punish one for the sins committed before salvation for Christ received that judgement on our behalf, Then it will become evident that it wasn’t the case.

The reason God assigned much suffering to Apostle Paul is because of the greatness of the glory He wants to manifest through him. Romans 8:17 states “… if indeed we share in his sufferings in order that we may also share in his glory”, making suffering a condition for the manifestation of his glory. Apostle Paul went on to preach the Gospel, and won souls when in prison, and while he experienced a ship wreck. He spoke to kings while bound in chains and was inspired to write letters that have been a blessing to the Church since then because he couldn’t go in person to the churches he wrote to because he was in prison. Suffering became a gift to Paul because it led to the manifestation of God’s glory.

Take up your cross and follow me was the instruction we received from Jesus Christ. The cross isn’t a pleasant experience, for it involves pain and shame. But when we obey, we are able to manifest God’s glory. Therefore, suffering that follows our obedience is a gift that helps us to manifest the glory of God.

Prayer Point:
Let’s thank God for His word today. Let’s ask Him to help us to see Him in every situation of life.


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