The God that Sees Me 

Call To Prayer 

Title: The God that Sees Me

By: Daniel Peter

Date: 17.05.2023


She gave this name to the Lord who spoke to her: “You are the God who sees me,” for she said, “I have now seen the One who sees me.” That is why the well was called Beer Lahai Roi; it is still there, between Kadesh and Bered. Genesis 16:13‭-‬14 NIV


Hager, the slave of Sarah the wife of Abraham, had a unique encounter with the Lord. It was a difficult time for her for she was cast out of her mistress’s house. In that supposed dark moment in her life, she encountered the Angel of the Lord, who spoke words of comfort to her and instructed her to return to her mistress and submit.

Hagar’s response to the encounter revealed the impact it had on her; she gained the consciousness of God’s presence, for she understood that God was with her and He sees all what she was going through. That’s why she named Him “You are the God who sees me”. Just like Hagar, you may find yourself alone, rejected or not recognised for your service. Be comforted for He sees you.

Being conscious that God is with you and sees your situation encourages you to believe that God will come through for you. Hagar was the guilty one, for the Bible recounted how she despised her mistress when she discovered she was pregnant (Gen. 16:4). Now, if God could be compassionate towards Hagar by revealing Himself to her and promised her that He would increase her descendants (Gen. 16:9-10), he will much more be compassionate towards you and bless you. Only believe!!!

Our response in the time we find ourselves alone and deserted should be one of thanksgiving, praise, and worship. As this would be a sign that we believe He will come through for us. This was what Apostle Paul and Silas did when they were arrested in Macedonia. As they praised and worshipped God at night, the God that sees them showed up and opened the prison gates (Acts 16:25-26). Have this attitude in your trying time and God would come through for you.

Prayer Point:

Let’s thank God for His word today. Let’s ask Him to be conscious of Him in our trying times and give us grace to expect that He will act to deliver us from our situation.


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