The good Shepherd

Call to Prayer

Title: The Good Shepherd

By: Simon Maina Nuhu

Date: 18.10.2024


I am the good shepherd: the good shepherd giveth his life for the sheep. (John 10:11)


As we know, a Shepherd is someone who tends and rears sheep. He guides and protects them from any prospective harm. A Shepherd has several qualities that make him fit to live to the task. Being a Shepherd is not as easy as eating or drinking, however, it commands certain responsibilities that must be properly adhered to. Some of the attributes of a Shepherd include courage, wisdom, foresight, compassion, patience, and love for the welfare of the sheep. If you find a Shepherd, you have found a leader! Because tending to sheep requires sacrifice, attention and absolute commitment and could be extremely draining. From the Scripture, we see David as a clear example, although he was young and physically green, he was able to take care of his sheep courageously by putting his life on the line to snatch a sheep from a lionยดs mouth (1 Samuel 17:34-37).

Christ is not just a Shepherd but more so,ย  a good Shepherd. He laid down His own life for the sake of the lost sheep of God. He is so compassionate that He canยดt stand the sheep to go astray. He is also a responsible Shepherd who values every sheep in His fold; He can leave the ninety-nine and go after that one lost sheep to redemption (Matthew 18:12-14). He is indeed the good Shepherd that cares for His sheep. As Kingdom citizens, we must become aware that He is always willing to guide, tend, provide and care for us. However, we need actually to be sheep. A Shepherd does not lead goats or wild animals but only sheep! We need to possess the attitude of sheep which is submission, obedience and consecration to the voice of the Shepherd.

Beloved in the Lord, before we declare Psalm 23 to our situation, we should also make a conscious effort to obey the voice of the Shepherd. This is not limited to praying and studying the word only, we should surrender our best to Him, eschew ego, and lustful desires of the flesh and make time to hear Him speak to our spirit.

Prayer point

Letยดs thank God for the message and ask Him to help us follow His step.

Repost from: 08.12.2023


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