The Good Works Of Tabitha

โ€žBut Peter sent them all out [of the room] and knelt down and prayed; then turning to the body he said, โ€œTabitha, arise!โ€ And she opened her eyes, and when she saw Peter, she sat up.โ€œ

(Acts 9:40 AMP)

This sceneย  parallels with that of Jairus daughter in Mark 5:35-43. When Jesus came to the house of Jairus where his daughter laid dead, Jesus was surrounded by weeping and wailing people. Our lord Jesus, just like Apostle Peter, asked all the mourners to leave the room so that He can have a quieter environment.ย 

Many Christians are full of good words but yet barren in good works. Tabitha on the other hand was spoken of her good works and not of her words. Her fellowship was seen in her good deeds. Such people are certainly best praised and their own works praise them. While we live upon the fulness of Christ for our whole salvation, we should desire to be full of good works for the honour of His name, and for the benefit of His people. People like Dorcas are useful where they dwell by showing the excellency of the word of truth in their lives. How bad it is with the numerous females who seek no distinction but outward decoration, and who waste their lives on beauty, dress and vanity.

To be able to step into the presence of the Holy Spirit, we must find an inner peace so that weย  may hear what He wishes to tell us, reveal to us or wants us to understand. The Bible makes us know that we do not work by our own strength but by the power of the Holy Spirit (Zachariah 4:6). The power of prayer and of faith can only function when silence and solitude of communion with God is shown.,,But Peter sent them all out and knelt down and prayedโ€ฆโ€œ

There is also a revelation shown through this story which is having hope. In the house of Jarius, the weeping and wailing people where professional mourners. These were just actors whose jobs were to go to homes of newly deadโ€™s and make a great show. The “mourners” at Jairus’ house told him his daughter was dead and there was no hope. They didnโ€™t understand that it was the Messiah standing in front of them and He was capable of healing ( Mark 5:35-40).ย 

However, Tabithaโ€™s friends, the widows, were real mourners who wept their hearts out because they lost their beloved friend. Tabithaโ€™s friends were also having faith in the healing power of Jesus and thatโ€™s the reason why they ran to find Apostle Peter after he had walked 10 miles away from Lydda. It was their strong hope in Jesus that made them have faith that Jesus Christ can wok miracles through the Apostle Peter and guess what, their hope was rewarded!ย 

Brethren, God sees all we do and is ever ready to reward us accordingly. May our lifestyle represent the goodness of God. Here we see that the Lord can restore in thousand folds all the things we have lost. He works every event for the good of those who trust in Him, and for the glory of His name.

Prayer Point:

Letโ€™s thank God for His word. Letโ€™s pray that God help us live a life that will attract others to have faith Him.ย 

If this has blessed you, please share this Call to Prayer with your friends and family so they will be blessed too.ย 

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