The goodness of God

Call To Prayer

Title: The goodness of God

By: Wale Lasisi

Date: 13.06.2024


For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts. (Isaiah 55:9 KJV)


There are many questions that fly around trying to cast an aspersion on the goodness of God. Some have even embraced atheism, concluding that there is no God even when the Bible has already diagnosed that only foolish men will get to this point. (Ps 14:1). They fail to take note that there is a bad devil on the loose and he is always on a rampage to kill, steal and destroy (Jn 10:10).

The lack of understanding can make a supposed wise person act or talk foolishly.ย  When Job was going through his ordeal he genuinely believed that it was God that killed his children, destroyed everything that he had and still afflicted him with sore boils. Likewise, his friends also had similar thoughts only difference was that they believed he was being rewarded for his sins. All of them were far from the truth because they had no understanding of what was happening overhead and that God is faithful and just.

When we go through situations and circumstances, we should be careful before jumping into conclusions that God has abandoned us or asking questions like “Where was God when my father died, where was God when the marriage failed, where was God when I lost the job or where was He when everything turned upside down?”. These questions might look genuine to the rational mind but they are not the right ones to ask because God does not author evil. Rather, we should ask God to reveal what is happening to us so we can understand what the accuser has against us and how we can stop him. Or if it is a pathway that we need to go through to enter our promised land just like the prophet Jonah who had to pass through the belly of the fish to enter Nineveh.
We must live with the consciousness that God is faithful at all times no matter the situation or circumstance. Whether it is looking good or the other way around, God is faithful. This should encourage us to give thanks always as instructed in scripture (1 Thessalonians 5:18).


Prayer point:
Let us thank God for His word today. Let us pray for an adequate understanding of the ways of God.


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