The Head of the Corner

Call to Prayer

Title: The Head of the Corner

Date: 26.06. 2024

By: Daniel Peter


โ€ฌโ€ฌ This is the stone which was set at nought of you builders, which is become the head of the corner. Acts 4:11 KJV


The head of the corner or the cornerstone, is the most important stone in a building or a structure, as it is traditionally the first stone laid, with all other stones laid in reference. Jesus Christ has become the cornerstone stone in God’s building. However, this was after He was set at nought (rejected) by the builders.

God has a pattern of making the first last and the last first. This means, that if He has chosen you to be first, you will go through a process that would make you last, before the exaltation to be first. One whose life exemplified this was Joseph, who had a dream of being first in his family. However, like Jesus, he was rejected by his brothers and was sold as a slave, from having a dream of being first, to becoming last as a slave and a prisoner in Egypt. This was all God’s set-up, for He exalted him to the first position when he became the prime minister of Egypt.

This is an encouragement to the chosen ones of God. Though presently you may be in the last position and rejected by men, do not lose heart, your exaltation is on the way. Those things the Lord has revealed to you will surely come to pass. Like Joseph, remain faithful to God despite the hardness of the situation He permitted. Your exaltation is on the way!

Prayer Point

Let’s thank God for His word today. Let’s ask Him to help us remain faithful to Him until the end.


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God bless you all!


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