The Heart of a Servant


Title:ย The Heart of a Servant

By:ย ย Daniel Peter

Date:ย 21.02.2022

His mother saith unto the servants, Whatsoever he saith unto you, do it.

(Joh 2:5 KJV)

The uniqueness of man among all that God created is that he can manifest all of Godโ€™s attributes. One of the attributes or characteristics of God is that He gifted man with is His sovereignty. Meaning, He created man sovereign; man can self-govern and decide independently of God (Can decide to do the will of God or not)

Because of this ability to freely decide He gave to man, a justice system to make man responsible for his actions and decisions was put in place. For despite we are sovereign, He wants us to be subjugated to Him by choice. For this reason, one of the earliest revelations of Himself He gave to man was that He is a Judge, by the judgments Adam, Eve, and the serpent received when they rebelled by going against His commands.

Ever since the fall of Adam, God has been in search of men in every generation, people who are willing to do His will. In the days of Prophet Samuel, such a search was made, and the outcome of the search revealed the quality in man that will make him one willing to do His will. Psalm 89:20 states, โ€œI have found Davidย my servantโ€ฆ..โ€ The reason why David was found by God in His generation was that he had a heart of a servant; a heart that is willing to do whatever God says. This is a heart that God considers to be after His own heart (1 Samuel 13:14).

A servant doesnโ€™t debate with his master, he or she just obeys. This is how God wants us to relate with Him. For example, the first miracle that Jesus performed that manifested His glory was through certain servants (John 2: 3 -10). It wasnโ€™t reasonable to take water from dirty pots and serve guests at a wedding feast, but because they obeyed the instruction from Jesus, dirty water was turned into sweet wine. Those people were able to obey because they were servants.

The favourite title of all of the Lordโ€™s Apostles was “a servant” (Rom. 1:1, 2Pe. 1:1, Jam. 1:1) Only people with the heart of a servant can replicate heaven on earth, for heaven is replicated on earth when we do what He says to us or shows us. Again, only people who are servants can reign as kings in the Kingdom of God, for Jesus Christ ascended the throne when He took the form of a servant and became obedient unto death (Phil. 2:7-9), leaving us an example.

The heart of a servant is not just given, it is developed. When David was found, He was in the wilderness tending sheep (1 Sam. 17: 34 -37). It was there that heart was formed in him. This was the same for the Israelites before they entered the promised Land. To ensure that they were going to obey the His commands, God took them through the wilderness to teach them humility, which is an attribute of a Servant (Deu. 8:2)ย 

Prayer Point:

Let us thank God for His word today. Let us ask Him to form in every Christen the heart of a servant, so we can work in every way pleasing to Him.

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