The Holy Spirit

Call to Prayer

Title: The Holy Spirit

By: Simon Maina Nuhu

Date: 17.01.2023


“When the Advocate comes, whom I will send to you from the Father–the Spirit of truth who proceeds from the Father–He will testify about Me” (John 15:26).


The Holy Spirit who is also the Spirit of truth is an active force of God and also the third personality in the Godhead. It works in a dynamic and powerful way that can be witnessed in the life of so many great prophets, Judges, servants, and priests in the old days. The presence of the Holy Spirit makes a tremendous difference in a vessel that is filled by it. The dimension of its activities is not only restricted to healing, signs and wonders, tongue speaking, prophecy, and visions but works in general in all acts of righteousness before God. Christ told us that when the Holy Spirit comes, He will us guide into all truth, therefore the Holy Spirit is a comforter, counselor, greatest teacher, co-partner of fulfilling God’s will on Earth, intercessor, the voice of correction, divine messenger, etc.

When the Holy Spirit comes on an individual, its first and principal influence is to transform/regenerate by killing, defeating, and crushing SELF! self is the old man of sin, it is the very foundation of all evil, pride, ego, and perpetual greed. Self prevents a person from apologizing when wrong, self enables man to be proud, self is carnal, self exalts man in his own eyes, self prevents a man from forsaking the glitters of the world, self is a loyal ally of the Devil, and self makes man justify all of his actions (good or bad). So when the Holy Spirit descends, it totally eradicates self, so that the person will be humble, meek, and patient. After that, The Holy Spirit testifies in the person about Jesus and the Father, He establishes the kingdom of God inside the person, then makes the life of the individual a vineyard of God by planting godly seeds, and these eventually manifest fruit which is called the fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23). The absence of the Holy Spirit makes a man religious.

Dearly beloved in Christ, the working of the Holy is evident and not hidden in a person’s life. Regardless of supernatural demonstrations that one does; if the attributes of the Spirit which are the fruit of the Spirit are not there, it makes everything questionable and thus vain. One can cast out demons, have faith that can move mountains, heal all manner of sickness, prophecy, and interpret diverse revelations but with other powers outside the Holy Spirit. The best evidence of the Holy Spirit is the godly fruit bearing such as love, selflessness, humility, obedience, patience, and long-suffering. Sometimes we tend to force needless characters that make it difficult for the Holy Spirit to operate in us. We set unnecessary qualities yet scriptural as evidence of the presence of the Holy Spirit whereas they are far or minor before God. No matter your supposed spiritual maturity, if the attributes of the flesh mentioned in Galatians 5:19-21, 1 John 3:8, are found in you, the Spirit is not there!

Prayer Point:

Let’s thank God for the message, let’s also ask the Holy Spirit to guide us in all things.



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