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The Holy Spirit
Call to Prayer
Title: The Holy Spirit
By: Simon Maina Nuhu
Date: 31.01.2025
“When the Advocate comes, whom I will send to you from the Father–the Spirit of truth who proceeds from the Father–He will testify about Me”
(John 15:26).
The Holy Spirit is the 3rd person in the Holy Trinity also known as Godhead (Matthew 28:19, 2 Corinthians 13:149), He is also referred to as the Spirit of truth (John 16:13), quickening Spirit (1 Corinthians 15:45-47), Spirit of Christ (Romans 8:9), Spirit of Wisdom and Revelation (Ephesians 1:17.18), etc. It is crucial we recognise why He is given to us. The Holy Spirit is a seal or rather confirmation that we are now Sons of God (Romans 8:14-16), He is the proof that we have received salvation by grace and are forgiven of the Father (Ephesians 1:13). The Holy Spirit was what Adam lost and subsequently all men (Genesis 6:2-8). He is the promise of the Father since the fall of Man (Joel 2:28-30). We need to understand that, the primary purpose of Christยดs first coming was to remove the great and ancient problem of all mankind which is SIN. Sin has always been the barrier between God and all men, and It is the Holy Spirit that connects people to God the Father because God is Spirit (John 4:24).
Since the coming of Sin made the Holy Spirit depart from man, there must therefore be an atonement through blood (Hebrews 9:22), so God permitted the people of the Old Testament to slaughter animals by shedding their blood because the life of the flesh is in the blood (Levitus 17:11). However, even though the animals never committed any sin and were innocent; the blood of the animals was not sufficient to provide permanent eradication of SIN and the defeat of the old nature (nature of sin acquired after the fall of Adam to Sin). God had to send His only begotten Son Jesus Christ as the perfect lamb as a requirement for sacrifice (John 1:29). So, Jesus Christ is the solution to Sin. Through Him, salvation is secured, and the evidence that our sins are forgiven, that we are now sons of God is that we received the Holy Spirit.
If anyone claims they belong to Christ Jesus, the Holy Spirit must be residing in their life! If you are a Christian, but you are unsure whether you have the Holy Spirit, it is clear you donยดt belong to Christ and you are not born-again! regardless of your claim of faith.ย You must be sure you have the Holy Spirit more than you are sure about your name. When the Holy Spirit comes on an individual, His first and principal influence is to transform/regenerate us thus leading to the Will of God consistently! He also helps believers fight against Self which is the old man, the old man is the very foundation of all evil, pride, ego, and perpetual greed. Also, part of His assignment in our life is to help us effectively witness the death and resurrection of Christ by evangelizing with power, might, and boldness (Acts 4:2-14, 1 Thessalonians 1:5).
Dearly beloved in Christ, the working of the Holy Spirit is evident and not hidden in a person’s life. Regardless of supernatural demonstrations that one does; if the attributes of the Spirit which are the fruit of the Spirit are not there, it makes everything questionable and thus vain. One can cast out demons, have faith that can move mountains, heal all manner of sickness, prophecy, and interpret diverse revelations but with other powers outside the Holy Spirit. The best evidence of the Holy Spirit is the godly fruit bearing such as love, selflessness, humility, obedience, patience, and long-suffering. Sometimes we tend to force needless characters that make it difficult for the Holy Spirit to operate in us. We set unnecessary qualities yet scriptural, as evidence of the presence of the Holy Spirit whereas they are far or minor before God. No matter your supposed spiritual maturity, if the attributes of the flesh mentioned in Galatians 5:19-21, and 1 John 3:8, are found in you, the Spirit is not there!
Prayer Point:
Let’s thank God for the message, let’s also ask the Holy Spirit to guide us in all things.
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