The Hope that Purifies

Call to Prayer

Title: The Hope that Purifies

By: Daniel Peter

Date: 01/11/2022


All who have this hope in him purify themselves, just as he is pure. 1 John 3:3 NIV


The coming of the Lord is an event that the entire body of Christ is anticipating. This event is referred to as the great hope, for it is an expectation we all have. Due to the scary nature of the accompanying events, and the time it has taken to manifest, many people shy away from this subject. However, contemplating this event by studying what the scriptures say about it plays an important role in our transformation to becoming like Christ, which is the goal of the faith (Rom. 8:29-31).

Our opening verse affirms that “all who has this hope in Him purifies himself, just as he (Jesus Christ) is pure… (1John 3:3)”. The word “purifies” as used in this verse of scripture is from the Greek word “hagnizล”, which simply means to make clean, or to sanctify. Making something clean suggests removing dirt (that is, sin). Therefore, being in the expectation of the soon coming of Jesus empowers the believer to live above sin. Now, simply knowing this isn’t enough, but understanding why it does imparts faith in the believer to practice it.

Scriptures say in 2 Cor. 3:18 “But we all, with open face beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord, are changed into the same image from glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of the Lord”. Which suggests that as we behold or see His glory, we rise to the level of His glory that we see (we become like Him in that aspect). To behold, or to see, we need eyes. However, the eyes of the spirit is understanding (Eph. 1:18).ย  Therefore, as we seek to understand the events of His second coming, and we get to behold the power and great glory of His coming (Luke 21: 27), we will be transformed to His image revealed.ย  According to Apostle John, the glory of God revealed in Him in His second coming is that He is pure (1 John 3:3).

Many years ago I was invited by a friend to partake in a sinful act that would have affected the course of my life. But before I received the message, I was listening to a conversation on TV about the second coming of Christ and the events surrounding it. This brought great conviction to my spirit and empowered me to say no to this compelling invite I was so eager for before that day. I read a book of the Bible (The Book of Revelations) by myself for the first time that day, and it became the start of my personal relationship with God. Considering the events of His second coming produces so much power that can transform the life of a believer.

Prayer Point:

Let us thank and praise God for His word today and the answers to our prayers. Also, let us pray that God should help us as a body to give attention to the second coming of Christ.


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