The Humanity of Jesus

Call to Prayer

Title: The Humanity of Jesus

Date: 14.07.2021

By: Daniel Peter

..They perish because they refused to love the truth and so be saved. For this reason God sends them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie

2 Thessalonians 2:10โ€ญ-โ€ฌ11 NIV

Some days ago, God gave me an opportunity to peep into the future and see the deception that is to come into the world. It came as a dream, where I saw a person who was a false saviour (a false Christ). The person I saw was a military leader, who will accomplish great exploits in the world. This person seemed perfect in all he did, and looked very good by all who viewed. This person knew about the Christian hope and caution we were given by the Lord (be watchful), for it was in his mouth. This person looked like an angel; too good/perfect to be human. But as I kept viewing the images of his activities, “False Savior, False Savior” kept repeating in my heart. All his actions were to make the nations to put their trust in him.ย 

Brothers and sisters, the end is near. The level of deception that will come to the world is one that without His help none can overcome. The ability to discern rightly what is good and evil according to God’s standard (to make right judgement) is one that we all should have now. We are in a time in history when the world will make evil look like good and good look like evil. This is a deception that God will permit, because of man’s refusal to believe the Truth (2Thes. 2:9-12). As I considered the dream He gave me, I asked Him what He wants me to do in response. He told me to write about the humanity of Jesus. This was the inspiration of today’s post.

Though Jesus is God, when He came to earth, He took the likeness of man (Phil. 2:7). This means, He also endured human weaknesses; Christ divine attributes did not substitute for the weakness of the flesh that he took up. The reason was that He should experience life like other humans, then he can be a good example to all. And by His victory over the temptations of the flesh, we can receive grace to overcome in like manner. Let’s take some time to explore some of the human attributes Jesus exhibited.

Jesus did not always desire to do the will of God: The prayer of Jesus Christ at Gethsemane before his death was very revelatory of what was happening in His mind (you can find this in Matthew 26:36-56). He said, let not my will, but your will be done. This means that Jesus had a “will” that was diffrent from the “Will” of God the Father; Jesus did not want to die. This was because of His flesh (His human part). However, despite what He felt in the flesh, He submitted His will to God by His prayer, “let your will be done”.


Jesus expressed human sentiments: Ever since the Lord gave the Old Testament to Israel, there has been enmity between the Gentiles and the Jews (Eph. 5:15). Though this has been abolished by the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, but we find in Matthew 15:21 -28 Jesus expressing this Jewish sentiment towards a Canaanite woman, inferring by His speech that her and her people were dogs. However, this was Jesus expressing His humanity. Sentimental feeling or thoughts towards others of a different race, nationality or language is one that is common to all, even to us Christians. However, despite the sentiment expressed by Jesus, He did not discriminate based on it; He didn’t drive her away as His disciples suggested, and He granted her request when she fulfilled the condition of receiving from God (faith). Jesus expressed sentiment, but was not discriminatory.

Jesus expressed anger: In Matthew 21:12, we read how Jesus Christ went to the temple and drove out those selling and buying inside the temple. Imagine yourself being one of the traders or a close kin of them Jesus Christ drove out, what might have been your thought of Him? Some might have said “who is this violent preacher?” Surely, this can’t be from God. Anger is a valid human emotion, though we should not be quick to it (Eccl. 7:9). What Jesus did in the temple that day was an expression of anger, though a righteous one. His anger was not because of an offense towards His person, but because the law of God was not observed. This is what it means to be zealous towards God.

Jesus got his discernment wrong at a point: Having had a close walk with the Father all through His earthly ministry, Jesus always felt the presence of the Father with Him. In a time of great suffering, He thought the Father had left Him. At the cross, Jesus cried out in a loud voice, โ€œMy God, my God, why have you forsaken me?โ€ (Matt. 27:46). This was the human part of Jesus speaking. Psalms 16:8, which was a prophecy about Jesus, revealed that God was alway with Him.ย 

The Bible also revealed that Jesus experience hunger (Matt. 4:2), Jesus was tired (Mark 4:38-40), Jesus experience death in the flesh (Luke 23:46) , Jesus some times had to hide to keep himself from danger (John 8:59), and it was recorded that He cried (John 11:35). Jesus was much human, as He was God. Therefore, one who is from God, is not one that is without weaknesses. Judging the credibility of God’s minister should not be done by appearance (the mere look of things), but with the understanding of the righteous standard of God.ย 


Prayer Point:

Let’s thank God for His word today. Let’s ask Him to give the body of Christ the wisdom to make right judgments, so we will not fall into the deceptive trick of the enemy.ย 

God bless you all.


If this has blessed you, please share this Call to Prayer with your friends and family so they will be blessed too.ย 


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