The Ignorance of Assumptions

Call To Prayer

Title: The Ignorance of Assumptions

By: Wale Lasisi

Date: 30.05.2024


As she was praying to the LORD, Eli watched her. [13] Seeing her lips moving but hearing no sound, he thought she had been drinking. [14] “Must you come here drunk?” he demanded. “Throw away your wine!” (1 Samuel 1:12-14 NLT)


One of the ways human beings arrive at answers is by assumptions built into the logic system of the brain. It looks at a few factors surrounding the subject matter and concludes without thorough consideration of all variables and constants around the matter before making decisions. As believers, we have the Holy Spirit as our constant, guide and revealer of truth and hope for future decisions we are yet to make.

Assumptions can be costly as only God is Alpha and Omega who knows all things. Many have embarked on marital journeys that have wrecked their lives and ministry because they assumed that an active brother or sister in church automatically translates to men and women of impeccable and Holy character. It is the Holy Ghost that shines his light to reveal the true intentions in the heart of men. That someone struggles to face the crowd and is very shy does not mean he cannot be used mightily by God. Even at eighty years old with speech impediments, God still used Moses. God also used Rahab the harlot and she was even listed among the men and women of faith (Heb.11:31).
Another side to assumptions is thinking for God. Making a mental picture of how you believe God will do His work which was almost going to cost Namman the Syrian general his miracle because he thought prophet Elisha would lay hands on him but instead told him to go and wash in the Jordan seven times (2Kings 5:10-14). The Jewish priests have been waiting for the first coming of the Messiah till today because their interpretation of the prophecies did not unveil the way they assumed it would be. So, Jesus came and left without them realising it.

Finally, we judge our fellow brethren too quickly out of assumption. We take the stand of Jobโ€™s friends and question but still end up being wrong. Currently, certain individuals are going through their wilderness journey and dealings with God that we must raise up in prayers instead of assuming that we are holier than them. Our prayers will keep them encouraged through the journey.

There is a need for a lot of attitudinal change among believers, to be more loving, more patient, more kind and embrace the Holy Spirit more who in turn will help us discern at all times how to go about drawing our conclusions on people and matters.

Prayer point:
Let us thank God for His word today. Letโ€™s pray for a fresh baptism of the Holy Spirit for discernment.



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