The Land of Israel and the Word of God Part 2

Call To Prayer

Title: The Land of Israel and the Word of God Part 2

By: Daniel Peter

Date: 24.08.2022


Now if we are children, then we are heirsโ€”heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ, if indeed we share in his sufferings in order that we may also share in his glory.

Romans 8:17 NIV


For some time now, I have been revealing how God makes His heart known through things in nature. All we see is a voice whose words can only be received by understanding.

Last time, I revealed how the Land of Israel is an analogy of the word of God; as the land of Israel was the inheritance of the natural descendants of Abraham, so is the word of God to believers of Jesus Christ (The spiritual descendants of Abraham). To understand what the Lord expects from us in the new, we look at the symbols in the old. Now, God gave the land of Canaan (that is, Israel) to Abraham as a promise, but for many years, He lived as a nomad in it. And His descendants were in bondage in Egypt for a long time before they were able to access their Inheritance. The deliverance from bondage in Egypt is a type of our deliverance from the Kingdom of darkness. However, after Israel was delivered from Egypt, they did not access their inheritance until about 40 years. This is similar to the experience of a Christian.

The word of God contains all that we have been given in Christ: healing, prosperity, authority and power etc. Despite this, a believer may not necessarily experience all these benefits of being saved at the time of their salvation. Just as the Israelites had to go through seasons of endurance and warfare before they stepped into their inheritance, a Christian may have to endure seasons of hardness and warfare before coming into the fullness of what God has for them. But unlike the Israelites who had to fight with bows and arrows, our fight is a fight of faith.

The battlefield of this warfare is the mind of the believer, and the devil’s antics are usually towards it, for when the mind of a man is conquered, his will and emotions become under the control of the enemy. When referring to this battle, Apostle Paul said โ€œCasting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ; (2 Cor. 10:5)โ€.ย Imagination and High thing (pride) are thoughts that come to the mind of a believer. To win this battle, you first have to be aware of it. Then you cast down, by exercising the authority in the name of Jesus Christ. Again, by offering yourself as a living sacrifice (being in a willing state to do whatever He says), and renewing your mind by studying the word, then we can judge, accurately, what thought is of Him and what is not: accepting the good and rejecting the evil (Rom. 12:1-2, Isaiah 7:16).

As the Israelites fought their battles with the full knowledge that God has given them the victory already, we are to do our warfare from the place of victory. For He saidย โ€œI have overcome the world John 16:33)โ€ย 


Prayer Point

Letโ€™s thank Him for His word. Let’s also ask Him to give grace to each one to access all their inheritance in Christ.


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