The Law of representation

Call To Prayer

Title: Law of Representation

By: Njuacha Hubert

Date: 28.04.2022


โ€œWhoever listens to you listens to me; whoever rejects you rejects me; but whoever rejects me rejects him who sent me.โ€ย Luke 10:16


Sometimes we look down on ministers of God who are not yet recognized and acclaimed by a multitude. We look down upon the vessel through which the word of God is coming because of the perceived statue of the vessel. The minister at times can even be a child or an illiterate. But is this in accordance with Godโ€™s will? Surely we know the answer is no.

Jesus says in the opening verse โ€œWhoever listens to you listens to meโ€ฆโ€. There is a divine principle at work here that we see repeated in several instances of the bible that I would term โ€œThe law of representationโ€. In many instances like this case, Jesus gives a person the authority to speak or act in His name. We are to treat that person as we would Jesus because the authority has been given to that person. When you see an anointed man of God, listen to him regardless of his status, his eloquence, or his beauty. After all the primary purpose of the preacher or messager is to deliver a message not to impress you with his personality. If a child preaches to you directly or indirectly and you reject His word because it came from a child, you reject the Holy Spirit who inspired that word. Whoever God has sent, He expects us to listen to. How do you know whom He has sent? First of all, if you are sincere about seeking God you have the Holy Spirit guiding you in all truths(John 14:26, Mathew 7:7). He will help you judge if a word is in accordance with the word of God. Then by looking at their fruits, you will additionally judge if they are sent(Mathew 7:15-20). Their fruits if it is still ambiguous to you refers to their lifestyle. However, it is not for us to cancel a minister because of a mistake and that is different from consistent unremorseful sin.

Another example of this โ€œlaw of representationโ€ is when Jesus says โ€œโ€ฆ whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.โ€ (Mathew 25:40). You can not do a wicked act to a wicked person assuming you are free because that person is still the image and likeness of God. Still carries the glorious image of God. Whatever you do to anyone you are doing it to God since that is His representation on earth. His mini self. No wonder Proverbs 14:31 says โ€œWhoever oppresses the poor shows contempt for their Maker,ย but whoever is kind to the needy honors God.โ€

Prayer Point

Let’s pray and thank God for the word today. Let’s pray for the grace to listen to all men and women of God and to do good to all in God’s name.


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